> Bill of Materials / Working with BOM records / Creating a BOM / Components (BOM record)

Components (BOM record)

To add components

Open: Bill of Materials > Records > New Bill of Materials | Components.

  1. Add stock items and components to the Components list in one of the following ways:
  2. If a duplicate component is added, and the Warn when adding duplicate components setting has been selected in BOM record Details tab, the component is highlighted in the list. This does not prevent you from saving the BOM.

    Note: You cannot change the stock item if the component line is being used by an operation on the BOM record.

  3. You can change the displayed quantities, unit of measure or type in the list.
  4. Select Component references required if you want to enter references for the components when you enter component details.
  5. If your business uses batch or serial numbers, you may want to enter one or more component references against the BOM component.

    You may also use component references when you have certain components that need to be associated with specific tasks, positions or processes within a BOM.

    For example, a circuit board is made up of transistors, and in many cases, several different types of transistor. The different types of transistor can only be placed in certain positions within the board. Transistor type 1 can only be placed in position A, C and E, whereas transistor type 2 can only be placed in position  B, D, F and G. You could enter component references against Transistor type 1 as PosA,PosC,PosE and those against Transistor type 2 as PosB,PosD,PosF,PosG.

    Quantity checks are only performed when at least one component reference has been entered. So you can enter component references on some components but not on others.

  6. To enter component details, select a component in the list and click Edit (or you can double-click in the component Type box).
  7. The Component Details window appears.

  8. Add or edit comment lines.
  9. Add or edit document links.
  10. To delete a line, select the line, click Delete Line and confirm that you want to do so at the prompt.
  11. If a component is a sub-assemblyWhen raw materials or components make a part of a finished product. The sub-assembly may be combined with other components or with other sub-assemblies in the manufacture of finished goods., select it and click Edit Sub-Assembly to edit it.
  12. Note: Sub-assemblies are shown in blue.

    The Amend Bill of Materials Record window is displayed for you to edit the sub-assembly component.

  13. Click Resequence to apply the default sequencing of numbers to the components and confirm that you want to do so at the prompt.
  14. Components are resequenced based on the defaults in the BOM settings Resequence tab.

    Note: If the default is to resequence in stock code order and the list contains a combination of component, document and comment lines, the comments are grouped at the top of the list, followed by documents, followed by component lines in stock code order.

  15. To continue entering BOM information, click the Operations tab.
  16. To save your BOM details, click Save.
  17. Note: If you are using all Manufacturing modules, you have selected Perform Compatibility Checks in Manufacturing System Manager system settings Environment tab and you have compatibility issues, the Compatibility Warnings prompt appears.

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