> Bill of Materials / Working with BOM records / Creating a BOM / Operations

Operations (BOM record)

Open: Bill of Materials > Records > New Bill of Materials | Operations.

  1. Add operations in one of the following ways:
  2. Irrespective of how you add operations, you may want to change the operation details. To change operation details, select the operation and click Edit (or you can double-click on the operation line).
  3. The Operation Record window appears.

    Note: Important! If the BOM has been created by converting a one-off works order, an operation is listed in the BOM record as a result of the conversion. Do not rename this operation. If you do, you will not be able to update information between the Bill of Materials and the Works Order.

  4. Add or edit comment lines.
  5. Add or edit document links.
  6. To delete a line, select the line, click Delete Line and confirm that you want to do so at the prompt.
  7. Click Resequence to apply the default sequencing of numbers to the components and confirm that you want to do so at the prompt.
  8. Components are resequenced based on the default BOM resequencing settings.

    Note: If the default is to resequence in stock code order and the list contains a combination of component, document and comment lines, the comments are grouped at the top of the list, followed by documents, followed by component lines in stock code order.

  9. To continue entering BOM information, click the Notes tab.
  10. To save your BOM details, click Save.
  11. Note: If you are using all Manufacturing modules, you have selected Perform Compatibility Checks in Manufacturing System Manager system settings Environment tab and you have compatibility issues, the Compatibility Warnings prompt appears.

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