Following an MRPMaterials Requirements Planning (MRP). MRP recommends purchase orders, transfers and work orders to balance supply and demand. run, you can pass recommendations into the Graphical Planner to identify orders and operationsThe labour, machine and tool processes required to manufacture an item. that are either going to be late, or will fall into the safety lead timeThe number of working days elapsing between placing an order for an item and taking delivery..
Those late or at risk orders and recommendations in Manufacturing display the same colour codes as those late or at risk orders and recommendations in Graphical Planner.
If any of the orders in the Unscheduled Operations window are late or at risk, they are identified by automatically defined colours.
In the Overview, late or at risk orders and operations are outlined with the corresponding colour of those operations in the Unscheduled Operations window. This is in addition to the bar tool colours which you can use to help you identify products, orders, order statuses, priorities, product categories and demand.
Note: For easier analysis, you can enlarge the view using View > Zoom and Scale.
You can solve late or at risk orders by:
This can be done in the following ways:
If you are concerned about meeting a required due date once the operation has been placed on the Overview window, you can move the operation to another resource.
Note: You must ensure that you take into account the appropriate resources. If you don't, the plan will not reflect realistic information. Ensure that your primary resource groups contain the appropriate resources.
The Group field in Machine Register or Labour Register determines whether the resources in Graphical Planner are contained in a group. If more than one resource belongs to the same group in Manufacturing, Graphical Planner allows you to place an operation onto any resource in the group in the Overview window.
Select the analysis you want to perform:
Once you have sequenced the operations and have moved them around, you can see the effect by highlighting them.
You can highlight an operation by selecting options from the Locate icon drop-down on the Standard toolbar, or by right-clicking on an operation and selecting a highlight option.
The at risk operations or orders are highlighted in the Overview window.
Click the Highlight Late Operations or Highlight Late Orders
icons on the Locate drop-down list.
The late operations or orders are highlighted in the Overview window.
Select an action you want to take:
Open: View > Edit Mode > Calendar Display Mode.
Right-click on a resource and select Edit Calendar, or double-click on an operation.
Under Details, select Override State alongside Efficiency %. Enter an Efficiency % value, if required.
Note: This reflects the use of resources which are different from the standard length of time. For example, setting Efficiency % to 200 will cause the operation to be completed in half the time.
Click OK.
The overtime is displayed in the Overview window. The shifts are automatically extended for the resources you selected.
Select View > Display Priority > Calendar on Top.
The overtime shift is displayed on top of the operation in the Sequence Overview.
Click the Repair Schedule icon on the Sequence toolbar.
This adjusts the Overview window to take into account the extra capacity.
After a shiftA working period identified as a calendar state. has been assigned to a resource, you may realise that you have made a mistake and want to reapply it to another instead. You can delete the shift by immediately undoing the action or by changing the shift back to its out of shift state. For example, the Overtime shift that was used to increase a resource's capacity was placed on the incorrect resource.
You can:
The shift reverts back to its original state.
Change the availability of the resource:
Double-click on the operation that you want to delete the shift from.
The Calendar Period window appears.
Change the Template from Overtime to Off Shift.
Under Details, the Efficiency % is automatically set to 0.
Click OK.
The shift is no longer displayed as Overtime.
Note: A circle with a bar across it appears if the operation cannot be performed by the selected resource. For example, a sawing operation cannot be put on a drilling machine resource. We recommend validating and repairing the schedule following any manual adjustments.
By validating and repairing the schedule:
Click the Validate Schedule icon on the Main toolbar.
This checks for any errors. If there are any problems, a message appears for that operation.
Note: More than one message may appear, depending on the impact of the placement. The operations may be out of sequence, or the operations may overlap.
This assesses the whole schedule and assigns the operation to the first available resource.
Click the Save icon on the Main toolbar.
Note: If the operations are locked, they will not be moved during a Repair Schedule action.