> Manufacturing / Graphical Planner / Setting up Graphical Planner / Calendars / Calendar periods

Calendar periods

Calendar periods identify the different time periods in a calendar template. For example, Midnight to 09.00 - Off Shift.

When you create a calendar template, you must add at least one calendar period to the calendar.

Note: You can add periods anywhere in the template as long as there is no existing period already entered for the same time slot.

To create calendar periods

Open: Graphical Planner >Workspace > General > Generate Schedule >View > Calendars > Primary Calendar Templates or Secondary Calendar Templates.

  1. Enter the Start Offset for the period. This is the point in the template timeline that you want the period to start.
  2. Enter the period Length in Days, Hours and Minutes. This is the time period over which the period is completed.
  3. Select the Calendar State to apply to the calendar period.
  4. To override the default Efficiency % from the Calendar State, select Override State and enter an Efficiency % value.

    Efficiency % applies an efficiency rating to the period. Normal efficiency is 100%. If work during the period is less efficient, the percentage is reduced.

  5. Note: Any reduction from 100% will reduce capacity.

  6. To override the default Cost Factor % from the Calendar State, select Override State and enter a Cost Factor % value.

    Cost Factor % applies a cost rating to the period. Normal cost factor is 100%. But, costs are defined per hour for resources and these can be multiplied; e.g. for shift and overtime variations.

  7. Click OK.
  8. Choose File > Save Template.

To delete calendar periods

Open: Graphical Planner >Workspace > General > Generate Schedule >View > Calendars > Primary Calendar Templates or Secondary Calendar Templates.

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