You can assign one or more discount values to a stock item. You can control which customers are eligible for item discounts, by linking the discounts with customer discount groups.
Stock items can also be discounted through the percentage discount to apply to each line of a sales order or invoice on the customer's account. Some discounts take precedence over others when applied to the order line. If found, the system first applies a surcharge then a special price and then the best discount on offer after comparing the customer line discount and the discounts in the price book.
Note: Sales order items and free text items are not subject to price book discounts. However, they do attract the line discount specified on the customer's account.
Open: Price Book > Discounts > Discounts for Stock Item.
Select the stock item.
Any product group discount or other discounts relating specifically to the item are displayed.
Note: You can edit product group discount, using the Discounts for Product Group option.
Note: Using Duplicate does not copy the discount groups linked to the discount.
Select the selling unit.
If the stock item product group has multiple selling units (selling quantities or selling prices) enabled, the drop-down list contains the stock unit and all selling units for the item. The default is the stock unit.
If you specified the discount type as amount or special price, select the discount currency from the list of available currencies.
If you use quantity break discounts:
Note: If you want to remove a quantity break discount, select the discount, and click Delete.
Note: If there is more than one discount value the system checks that lower prices (or larger discounts) are offered for larger quantities.
Select a different selling unit, if required.
Note: You cannot delete a discount that is linked to a customer discount group.
This can be done from the stock item, or from the customer discount group.
Open: Price Book > Discounts > Discounts for Stock Item.
Open: Price Book > Discount Groups > Link Discounts to Customer Discount Group.
Open: Price Book > Discount Groups > Customer Discount Groups.
Note: If the discount is already linked to another discount group, confirm that you want to link the discount to this discount group instead.
Tip: To select more than one item using the mouse, hold down the Ctrl key to pick individual items, or hold down the Shift key to select a block of items.
Getting Started with Price Book
Other tasks
Set up customer discount groups