> Manufacturing / Graphical Planner / Scheduling in Graphical Planner / Perform schedule analysis tasks / Comparing schedules

Comparing schedules

You can use the sequencer's Trace Chart window to view schedules and compare schedules. Additionally, you can see gaps in operations on the Trace Chart window. Orders are shown on the vertical axis and operations in the bars, with time along the horizontal axis. A gap occurs in an operation timeline when the operation is waiting for resources to be freed.

To compare schedules

  1. Save your schedule at the start of a scheduling period, using File > Save Schedule As.
  2. Complete individual, or multiple operations:
    1. In the Overview window, double-click on an operation.
    2. The Edit Orders Information window appears.

    3. Select Use Actual Times.
    4. Enter the actual times for the operation.
  3. Save the schedule again, but with a different name, using File > Save Schedule As.
  4. Select View > Trace Chart window to display the trace chart for the schedule.
  5. Select File >Open Comparative Schedule and choose the original schedule.
  6. A comparison view is shown in the Trace Chart window. Operations that have completed, are displayed in the green area (below the reference schedule), so that you can compare the two schedules.

    For more information on comparing schedules and using the Trace Chart window, see Preactor's help system.

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