You can scrapThe loss of a completed part. traceable finished items and allow replacement materials to be issued. This may mean updating the production plan or raising new works orders or purchase orders.
Untraceable items cannot be traced to a works order. Therefore, these are written off in Stock Control.
Open: Works Orders > Processing > Scrap > Scrap Finished Items.
Enter the quantity to scrap.
The quantity must be valid for the stock unit. If not, it is automatically adjusted to the nearest appropriate value.
Enter the quantity to re-issue, if required.
The quantity must be valid for the stock unit. If not, it is automatically adjusted to the nearest appropriate value.
Select the item to re-issue from the available serial or batch numbers.
Note: The Total Selected must match the Scrapped Quantity.
Confirm that you want to save changes when prompted.
A works order is created for the re-issue quantity you specified.
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