> System Administration / Features / Targets / Change target

Change target

You can change a targetA target is the action associated with a feature. Each feature must have a target in order to do something. For example, a target could be to open a form (window), produce a report, run any OS Invocable (any application or process you can access through the Run option in the Microsoft Windows Start menu), open a workspace (an area on your desktop which can contain several panels of information from Sage 200 modules), or open a content part (an area of a workspace). All features installed with Sage 200 and with any add-on packages have targets added automatically. that you have added.

To change targets

Open: System Administration > Features.

  1. Select the feature group, then right-click the feature and choose Show Targets.

    Note: You can also select the Targets tab below Feature Properties.

  2. Select the target Name in the List of Targets assigned to selected Feature.
  3. Click Properties.
  1. Set values for the target.

  2. Click Save to confirm the target entries.

Tip: For the most recent version of this topic, please see our help website here.

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