> System Administration / Companies / Assign users to a company

Assign users to a company

To assign users to a company

Open: System Administration > Companies.

  1. Right-click the Company Name and choose Properties.
  2. Select the Members tab.

    User names in bold mean that the user has access to all companies within User Properties.

  3. Assign users by selecting the users you want to assign from the Users list.

    The selected users are moved to the Selected User list.

  4. Remove users by selecting the users in the Selected User list.

    The selected users are moved to the Users list.

    Note: If you remove a user name in bold from the Selected User list, the Access All Companies setting for the user within User Properties is cleared.

  5. Click OK to save the assigned users.

Tip: For the most recent version of this topic, please see our help website here.

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