Open: System Administration > Companies.
On the General tab, enter the Company Settings:
This is the name of the company.
This must be at least one character in length and unique.
Note: Do not use the word Configuration in the company name.
If the company is to be consolidated, select the name of the parent company.
This is the folder used to store company specific files.
If the Attachments file is not stored in the default shared Sage folder, you must set permissions for the Sage 200 Services to access this folder.
Note: We recommend that you use separate attachments folders for different companies.
Each company's information is held in a unique company databaseThe company database (SQL) contains all of the Sage 200 data for a company..
This is the SQL serverThe server is the computer running the Sage 200 Server software. The server provides information over the network to computers running the Sage 200 Client software. name.
The SQL server must exist and you must have the appropriate permissions to access it.
This is the name of the company database on the server.
On the Members tab, assign users who can use the company within Sage 200.
You must assign users to the company before they can log on and use the company data.
You can also assign companies to users.
If you allow online payments, select the Online Payments tab to assign a vendor accountThe Sage 200 account that links with the online payment service provider account. for the company.
The vendor account must already be set up.
Steps in this task
Set permissions for the Attachments folder - on premise only
Enter financial year start date
Other tasks
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