> Purchase Order Processing / Create purchase orders / Generate purchase orders / Add item to suggested list

Add item to suggested list

You can manually add any stock items to the suggested orders list, provided that the item has a preferred supplier set for it in the Stock Control module.

Open: Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Orders > Generate Orders.

  1. On the Generate Purchase Orders window, click Add Item.
  2. Select the stock item using the Add Stock Item window and click OK. The Add Stock Item window closes and you return to the Generate Purchase Orders window.
  3. Click View Details. The Shortfalls for Item window is displayed.
  4. To indicate you are dealing with the order requirement, click the Negotiate column and select Yes from the list.
  5. To change the supplier of the item, click the A/C Ref column and select the required supplier.
  6. To change the item price, enter the new price in the Unit Price column (expressed in the supplier's currency).
  7. Click the Stock Levels tab and enter the required amount in the Qty to purchase for stock box.
  8. To indicate you have finished working on the order requirement click the Negotiate column and select No from the list.
  9. To mark a warehouse order quantity for purchase click the Confirmed column and select Yes from the list.
  10. Click OK.

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