> Suppliers / Supplier payments / Automatically generate and allocate payments / Amend the payment file

Amend the payment file

To amend the payment file

Open: Purchase Ledger > Period End Routines > Payment Processing > Amend Suggested Payments.

  1. Select the supplier account from the A/C Ref drop-down list.
  2. Amend the payment values for the required transactions.

    Note: If the total cheque value exceeds the maximum payment value, you will se a yellow warning highlight. You must reduce the total cheque value to process this payment.

  3. To remove an supplier account from the suggested payments file, click Pay None.
  4. To generate a payment for the supplier immediately, click Pay Now. This processes the payment.
  5. Note: If you choose to generate a payment using this method, the payment is marked as paid in the suggested payments file. This prevents a duplicate payment when the outstanding suggested payments are generated.

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