There are a number of shared settings between Trial Kitting, Allocation and Build. These can be entered on the Trial Kitting tab, the Allocation tab or the Build tab.
Open: Bill of Materials > Utilities > System Set Up > Bill of Materials Settings | Build.
Enter the Allocation and Build Shared Settings:
Select this check box to allow changes to the components that make up the BOM when you are allocating stock.
Select Allow over/under allocations to increase or decrease the quantity of components to allocate for the BOM when you are allocating stock.
Note: This will allow you to add extra quantities of a component part. For example, you may use the option if you have a high failure rate for a component part.
Select Allow substitutions to allow the substitution of alternative components when you are allocating stock and don't have enough components to complete the BOM.
Enter the Trial Kitting, Allocation and Build Shared Settings:
If you have a stock item on a product group that allows negative stock, you can select this check box to show the shortages for the components.
If you have a stock item on a product group that allows negative stock, you can select this check box to show the shortages for the sub-assemblies.
Select Ignore Free Stock to ensure the system always builds sub-assemblies.
Select Only use Free Stock to ensure the system never builds sub-assemblies.
Select Build when Required to build sub-assemblies only when required. This extends the component list to show sub-assembly components where there is a shortage of made up sub-assemblies.
Select whether to Continue, Stop Immediately or Stop after processing Bill of Material when you are trial kitting multiple BOMs and shortages are encountered.
Enter the Maximum Build setting:
Select this check box if you want the Maximum Build Quantity routine to use decimal places. If you only want to use whole numbers, leave the check box blank. In this case, the system always rounds down to the nearest whole number.
Enter the Nominal postings setting:
Select this option to create a posting for the total cost of any items in a BOM that use same nominal code. There is only one posting from Bill of Materials for each nominal code.
For example, if you have two of the same component in a BOM, the posting amounts would be:
Nominal code | Posting amount | |
Bill of Materials |
13101 |
£25.00 |
Component 1 & 2 |
13112 |
£25.00 |
Select this option to make a series of postings for each component allocated in a BOM. This posts an individual cost amount for each component to the Nominal Ledger.
For example, if you have two of the same component in a BOM, the posting amounts would be:
Nominal code | Posting amount | |
Bill of Materials |
13101 |
£25.00 |
Component 1 |
13112 |
£10.00 |
Component 2 |
13112 |
£15.00 |
Enter the Build Process settings:
Select the nominal code to post rounding adjustments to.
Note: By default, this is blank. You will not be able to build a BOM without selecting a nominal code.
Select this option if you want to print a build report automatically when you build BOMs.
The report shows:
Select this option to use the Allocation Number for build postings. In this case, the allocation number is posted into the first reference for nominal and stock postings.
Leave the box clear to use the Build Number instead.
Select this option if you want to print a reverse build report automatically when you reverse builds.