> Sales Order Processing / Sales orders / Create sales orders / Create a new order - Full / Enter the order details / Add goods and services to an order (standard items) / Confirm selected batch/serial numbered items

Confirm selected batch/serial numbered items

For traceable items, you must confirm the selected batch/serial numbers, if you have chosen to assign batch serial numbers when allocating stock in the Stock Control settings Options tab.

The batch/serial numbers are assigned automatically.

To amend the selected batch/serial numbers

  1. To amend the selection, click the check box to the left of the batch or serial number.
  2. If you select a batch item in the Quantity to Allocate column, enter the amount required expressed in the item's selling unit.
  3. If you have made amendments, we recommend you check that the selected batch numbers equal the total quantity required.


    When dealing with batch/serial numbered items you can also use:

    • Auto select: The system selects the items for you starting with the first item and continues selecting them in the order the items are displayed until the required quantity is satisfied.
    • Find: To search for batch/serial numbered items.
    • Show details: To see further information such as the item's supplier and goods in details.
    • Refresh: To update the status availability of displayed items. Only required if you have attempted to select items from the list that have been secured by other Sage 200 processes.
  4. Click OK to confirm the selection.

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