> Sales Order Processing / Sales orders / Create sales orders / Create a new order - Full / Enter the payment with order details

Enter the payment with sales order details

Open: Sales Order Processing > Sales Orders > Enter New Order - Full | Payment with Order.

  1. To record payment with the order select Record payment with order.
  2. Select Full payment if payment is for the full value of the order.
  3. Select Invoice payment with order immediately, to print an invoice for the value of the payment when you save the order.

    You cannot select this if:

    You can set the default option in the SOP settings Order Entry tab.

  4. If accepting a full or part payment, enter the payment value in your base currency.
  5. Select the Method of payment.

    Note: You must have selected Enable card processing in the SOP settings Order Entry tab.

  6. Enter a reference for the payment if necessary.

    The following boxes are read only:

    Payment Declared

    This contains the payment value that was declared on any invoices.

    Payment Undeclared.

    This displays the payment value that has not been declared on an invoice.

    Declared Payment Remaining

    This displays the amount of declared payment that is still available for deducting from invoices for goods or services on this order.

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