Choose the PayPort options from the Sage 200 PayPort Setup window. The settings are split over three tabs:
Open: Retail > POS Processing > Payport Setup > Sage 200 Payport Setup.
Enter the number of seconds that PayPort waits between each import from your tills.
If the check box is clear, the poll is performed once and the timer is not used.
Select the number of days that the system keeps your till transactions.
The transactions are only removed from the Till Transaction table. They are not removed from Sage 200. See End of the day processing
Select Despatch / Receive Goods if you want credit accounts to work with the despatch and received goods.
Select Post Invoices / Credit Notes if you want credit accounts to work with the posted invoices and credit notes.
Select Summarise Transactions to only post a summary of your transactions.
Once selected, the transactions are consolidated for each stock item. Total amounts and values for the stock item are displayed. For example, you may choose to select this option if you sell lots items and they are of low value.
Clear this option to post individual transactions.
From the Sage 200 Payport Setup window, select Versions.
This displays the name of the setup file and its latest version.