> Set up Sage 200 / Suppliers / Supplier accounts / Create a new supplier account / Bank details

Bank details (purchase account)

Enter the bank account details for your supplier here.

If you use the Sage E-banking service to make electronic bank payments to the supplier you must enter the supplier's bank details.

If required you can record additional bank reference numbers here. These are for information only.

To enter your supplier's bank details

Open: Purchase Ledger > Purchase Accounts > Enter new account | Bank.

Open: Purchase Ledger > Purchase Accounts >Amend Account Details.

  1. Enter your supplier's Bank details.

    You must enter the bank details if you are using the Sage e-banking service to pay your suppliers electronically.

    The Bank payment reference is used when you pay your suppliers using the Sage e-banking service.

  2. If required, enter any Additional bank details. These are for information purposes only. You can choose to enter the following reference numbers:


    The IBAN is the International Bank Account Number. It represents your supplier's bank account number and sort code in an internationally recognised format.

    You can find more information about this on the UK Payments Administration website.


    The BIC is the Bank Identification Code number. It is a universal method of identifying financial institutions.

    You can find more information about this on the UK Payments Administration website.

    Roll number

    Use this is for your supplier's Building Society roll number.

    BACS reference

    Use this for your supplier's BACS reference.

    Additional reference

    Use this to store any additional reference numbers.

    Non UK sort code

    Use this to store a sort code for a foreign bank account.

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