> Project Accounting / Enter or amend project details / Amending project structures

Amending project structures

To create or amend a project structure

Open: Project Accounting > Projects > Amend Project.

The project structure appears on the left of the window. The structure is built up from projects, groups and project items.

Note: If the structure is hidden, you can display it by clicking Show Project Structure.

To edit the project structure, click Amend Project Structure. Use this window to add and remove project elements, and position the elements in the structure:

  1. Select the category of item that you want to add to the structure, from the Project item type column on the left.

    The items available in your selected category are displayed in the centre column.

    If you have selected a project item type or a grouping level, you can create a new project item or group by clicking New.

  2. To add an item to the structure, highlight the item and click Select.

    The item is added to the structure at the highlighted point.

    Note: To move the item in the structure, either click and drag the item, or use the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

  3. To remove an item, highlight the item in the project structure and click Remove. The item is removed from the project.
  4. Add items to your project structure as required. When you have finished setting up your structure, click Close to save the project structure.

    You will be returned to the Amend Project window, where you can enter the details for the items in your project structure.

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