> Set up Sage 200 / Project Accounting / Designing a project structure

Designing a project structure

The project structure that you design will depend on your type of business and the information you require about your projects. The project structure may be simple or quite complex, depending on your requirements. Before you set up your project structure, think very carefully about what you want to record and monitor in your projects.

The project structure you will define in Project Accounting is organised in a tree structure. This structure is comprised using three different components:

Determining what is a project, group or project item is key to setting up the project structure.

Every project must have a structure so that costs and revenues can be posted to it. The cost structure defines what activities make up the project. Items can be grouped together in the cost structure using groups. This allows you to have a multi-tiered level of analysis.

Before you run Project Accounting, you must think about and plan your structures. If you have projects that are similar, you can create project templates containing your different structures.

Organise your project structure

In general, there are two common methods of organising your structure. The method that you use will depend on your type of business and how you want to analyse and report on your project. These different methods are described in the following sections.

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