You can update prices for stock items for a single supplier by importing these from a file in CSVComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. or XMLExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. format using the import file identifiers for supplier prices.
You can validate the import file before committing the data to the Purchase Order Processing module or you can proceed with the import once the file has been prepared. To do this there are two options available during the import activity.
You must have:
Open: Purchase Order Processing > POP Utilities > Import > Import Supplier Prices.
To create a stock item supplier when the stock code being imported has no associated supplier code, select the Create stock item suppliers during import routine using a stock item code check box. If you leave the check box blank, you are unable to import prices for any stock code without an associated supplier. The details of these records appear in the system's error log.
Select the supplier account for which you are importing stock item prices. The prices are linked to the stock supplier records using the supplier account reference and supplier part number.
Note: When records are successfully matched, the system updates the list price and associated dates. If a supplier part reference exists, but does not find a match, Sage 200 attempts to match the item using any supplied stock code. If there is a match with the stock code, the import proceeds, but a warning is added to the import report.
Note: If failures have occurred, see the generated report, investigate further and re-enter the price details.