You can use the following formats when importing and exporting from Sage 200:
You must include a file header, specifying the fields (identifiers) you intend to import. Then each new record must start on a new line and each value must be separated from the next by a comma.
Each value must be separated from the next using tags <FIELD NAME> to define and start the identifier and </FIELD> to define and close the identifier, with the import entry defined between.
For example:
<FIELD NAME="AccountNumber"></FIELD>
<row> <field name="WorksNumber">001</field> ... </row>
Each record must be allocated its own line using <row> to start the record and </row> to close the record.
Note: Example csv and xml files are provided. When you click on a csv example file link, the file opens in Microsoft Excel and you can save this to your desktop. When you click on an xml example file link, the file opens in a browser window. Refer to your browser help for instruction on how to save the content to your desktop.
Note: Some data types can only be imported or exported in an xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. format.
Use the information provided in each of the following sections to see how data can be imported into Sage 200. Each section contains links to open examples of the required file layouts and information about the required file identifiers.
On Premise deployments only - The example file layouts can also be found on the Sage 200 installation DVD.
You can import customer and supplier accounts, using either csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. or xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file types.
AccountNumber, AccountName and CurrencyISOCode are mandatory and if you are creating a euro duplicate account for the customer or supplier, the EuroAccountNumberCopiedFromTo is also mandatory.
Note: You cannot pay foreign suppliers electronically, so ensure payment groups for foreign suppliers do not have ebanking selected for their payment group.
Customer Accounts
Supplier Accounts
You can import Nominal accounts, using either csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. or xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file types.
AccountNumber is mandatory. AccountReportCategory is also mandatory if NominalAccountType is not G - Group Account.
You can import sales and purchase transactions, using either csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. or xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file types.
Different identifiers are mandatory depending on the transation type you are importing.
You can have an unlimited number of tax amounts. The first is mandatory. If tax is split over two tax codes, the first should have the information for one tax code and the second should have the information for the other tax code.
Nominal Analysis.
You can have an unlimited number of account numbers, per transaction, for invoices and credit notes. The first is mandatory, to ensure correct postings to the nominal ledger. The other is optional.
Note: If you are importing foreign currency receipts or payments, enter the GoodsValueInAccountCurrency amount of the receipt or payment in the currency of the customer or supplier account.
If you have more than one bank charge line for a transaction use NominalAnalysisTransactionValue/2 etc.
Sales Transactions
Purchase Transactions
You can import nominal transactions, using either csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. or xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file types.
The AccountNumber, GoodsAmount and PostedDate identifiers are mandatory.
This prevents transactions being added to the nominal accounts with a 0 (zero) URN or a duplicate URN.
Note: To indicate transactions originating from a source other than Sage 200, enter any value between 16 and 90.
You can import nominal budget values using the csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. file type only.
AccountCostCentre, AccountDepartment, AccountNumber, BudgetYear and AnnualBudget are mandatory.
The number of budgets you import must match the number of accounting periods configured in the system.
If you have different numbers of accounting periods defined for different years in Accounting System Manager then you must import these separately.
You can import nominal report categories, using either csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. or xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file types.
All file identifiers are mandatory.
You can import and export stock items, using either csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. or xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file formats.
You can import stock item extensions, using the xml file format only.
Stock item code, Stock item name, Product group and Tax code are mandatory.
If you import stock items from another system into Manufacturing, you can also import Manufacturing stock item details.
Note: You cannot import these unless you have imported the associated stock item records. Also, you cannot import data from Sage 50 Manufacturing.
Data is exported to and imported from an xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file.
Note: Sage can provide a conversion utility to convert a csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. file into the required xml format. The conversion does not support the full range of values you can import in xml, but allows you to process key pieces of data. Ask your Business Partner for more information.
These items relate to the Stock item record Manufacturing and Details tabs and the default manufacturing warehouse for the stock item (set when you add a warehouse on the Locations tab).
Item in Import File |
Item in Stock record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
StockCode |
Code |
Yes |
This refers to the item in the Stock Control module. |
The stock item must exist in Stock Control. |
AggregateDays |
Aggregate Demand (days) | No |
Sets to 0.00 if left blank in the import file. |
WorksOrderBatchMinQty | Minimum order quantity | No | Sets to 0.00 if left blank in the import file. | |
WorksOrderBatchMaxQty | Maximum batch size | No | Sets to 0.00 if left blank in the import file. | |
CanCancelWorksOrders | MRP can cancel Works Orders | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that works orders can be cancelled. |
True selects the check box in the Stock item Manufacturing tab. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is left blank in the import file. |
CanCancelPurchaseOrders | MRP can cancel Purchase Orders | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that purchase orders can be cancelled. |
True selects the check box in the Stock item Manufacturing tab. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is left blank in the import file. |
MRPReplenishmentRulesTypeID | MRP Replenishment option | No |
Sets to 0.00 if left blank in the import file. |
MRPReplenishmentMultipleValue | Multiples quantity | No |
Sets to 0.00 if left blank in the import file. |
Linked | Allow linked under MRP | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that MRP will treat the stock item as linked. |
True selects the check box in the Stock item Manufacturing tab. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is left blank in the import file. |
UseDemandWarehouse | MRP Make Recommendation Location | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the demand/completion warehouse will be used to record the stock items in the warehouse specified on the works order. |
True selects the MRP Make Recommendation Location Use demand/completion Warehouse radio button in the Stock item Manufacturing tab. False selects the Use default Warehouse radio button instead. Use default Warehouse is also selected if this is left blank in the import file. |
UseWOCompletionWarehouse |
MRP Component Replenishment |
No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the demand/completion warehouse is used to check for the stock items in the warehouse specified on the order. |
True selects the MRP Component Replenishment location Use demand/completion warehouse radio button in the Stock item Manufacturing tab. False selects the Use warehouse hierarchy radio button instead. Use warehouse hierarchy is also selected if this is left blank in the import file. |
ApplyReorderLevelAfterMaximum | Reapply Reorder Rule On Recommendation | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the MRP Replenishment option is reapplied to demand quantity after Maximum batch size is considered. |
True selects the check box in the Stock item Manufacturing tab. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
ReplenishmentHorizonDays | Replenishment Horizon (days) | No | Sets to 0.00 if left blank in the import file. | |
BuiltBoughtDefaultMake | Bom details | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that BOMs are Built/Bought Default Built. |
True sets the Bom details Built/Bought setting to Default Built. False sets the Bom details Built/Bought setting to Default Bought. |
BulkIssue |
Bulk Issue |
No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that stock movements can be handled manually for this component. |
True selects the Bulk Issue check box in the Stock item Manufacturing tab. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
BomItemType |
Bom details |
Yes | Specifies the BOM item type of Component, Built, Phantom or Built/Bought. | The BOM details radio button is selected on the Stock item Details tab. |
DefaultWorksOrderWarehouse | Default Manufacturing Warehouse | Yes | Specifies the name of the default Manufacturing warehouse. |
The warehouse name must exist on the stock item. |
ScrapPercent |
Scrap Percentage |
No | ||
CostHeadingName | Cost Heading | Yes | Specifies the default cost heading for all stock items in the product group. | The cost heading must exist in the Manufacturing System Manager. |
You can import product groups, using the csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. and xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file format.
You can import product group extensions, using the xml file format only.
Code, Description and Type are mandatory.
If you import stock items from another system into Manufacturing, you can also import Manufacturing product group details.
Note: You cannot import these unless you have imported the associated stock item records. Also, you cannot import data from Sage 50 Manufacturing.
Data is exported to and imported from an xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file.
Note: Sage can provide a conversion utility to convert a csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. file into the required xml format. The conversion does not support the full range of values you can import in xml, but allows you to process key pieces of data. Ask your Business Partner for more information.
These items relate to the stock product group record Manufacturing tab.
Item in Import File |
Item in product group record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
ProductGroupName |
Code | Yes | This refers to the product group in the Stock Control module. | The product group must exist in Stock Control. |
UseDemandWarehouse | MRP Make Recommendation Location | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that finished goods will be placed in the demand/completion warehouse listed on the works order. False specifies that the finished goods will be placed in the warehouse specified as the default in Sage 200. |
True selects the MRP make recommendation location Use demand/completion warehouse radio button in the Product Group Manufacturing tab. False selects the Use default Warehouse radio button instead. Use default Warehouse is also selected if this is left blank in the import file. |
UseWOComponentWarehouse | MRP Component Replenishment | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the warehouse on the works order when the recommendation is raised is used to check for sufficient items in stock. False specifies that the warehouse hierarchy set up in Sage 200 Manufacturing is used instead. |
True selects the MRP Component Replenishment Use demand/completion warehouse radio button in the Product Group Manufacturing tab. False selects the Use warehouse hierarchy radio button instead. Use warehouse hierarchy is also selected if this is left blank in the import file. |
CostHeadingName |
Cost Heading |
Yes |
Specifies the default cost heading for all stock items in the product group. |
The cost heading must exist in the Manufacturing System Manager. |
You can import opening balances for non traceable stock items or for batch/serial traceable items in either csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. or xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. format.
Item, Warehouse, Bin, Quantity and Cost are mandatory.
Item, Warehouse, Bin, Quantity, Cost, Type and Tnumber are mandatory.
You can import stock item supplier prices, using either csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. or xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file types.
ListPrice, PricingSource and one or other of SupplierStockCode or StockItemCode are mandatory.
You can import and export selling prices, using csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. or xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file types.
StockItemCode, Unit and Standard are mandatory.
You can import timesheet data , using either csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. or xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file types.
WorksNumber, Date, Hours and CostRateType are mandatory.
Note: You cannot import data directly from Sage 50 Manufacturing. Sage 50 BOM data must be migrated using the Sage 50 to Sage 200 Data Migration Tool.
Data is exported to and imported from an xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file.
Note: Sage can provide a conversion utility to convert a csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. file into the required xml format. The conversion does not support the full range of values you can import in xml, but allows you to process key pieces of data. Ask your Business Partner for more information.
While the following information has been broken down into discrete parts here for easy reference, it is all included in the same xml file for import.
StockCode, BuildPackageType, StockItemCode, LineType, component Reference, drawing Reference, operation Reference, operation Phase, operation ResourceType, operation Group, subcontract Supplier, IsDefaultSupplier, CostHeading, operation subcontract Supplier, QuantityFrom, QuantityTo, Rate, operation component StockItem, component and operation Comment, and component and operation DocumentFile are all mandatory.
Within the BOM operation, Resource Group is mandatory if ResourceType is Group. Otherwise, Resource is mandatory.
These items relate to the BOM record Details and Components tabs.
Item in Import File |
Item in BOM record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
StockCode |
Stock Item |
Yes |
Refers to the item in the stock module the BOM is used for. |
The stock item must:
BuildPackageType |
N/A |
Yes |
Components and operations belong to a Build Package and not to the BOM record. Currently, always specify Build for the package type. Note: In future versions there may be other package types available. |
Reference |
Reference |
No |
Uses the stock item code, if left blank in the import file. If version control is used, a new version is created. If version control is not used, a BOM of the specified type cannot already exist for the item. |
Description | Description | No | Uses the stock item description, if left blank in the import file. | |
ChangeReference | Change reference | No | ||
Quality Standard | Quality standard | No | ||
DefaultBuildQuantity | Default build quantity | No | Uses the value from BOM Settings if left blank. | |
DefaultCostingQuantity | Default cost quantity | No | Uses the value from BOM Settings if left blank. | |
AutoOverheadComputation | Calculate overheads automatically | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that overheads will be calculated automatically. |
True selects the check box in the BOM record. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is left blank in the import file. |
OverheadCost | Overhead Contribution | No | Holds monetary value if manual calculation is used. | Sets to 0.00 if left blank in the import file. |
UseOnlyInBom | Use only in BOM module | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies the BOM is for use in only the BOM module. |
True selects the check box in the BOM record. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is left blank in the import file. |
ComponentTraceability | Component association required | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies traceable components must be associated with traceable finished items. |
Note: This is not applicable if the finished item is not traceable. True selects the check box in the BOM record. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
UserRevisionNumber | Revision | No |
If version control is used, the number you enter is used. Leave blank to increment the last revision number. If version control is not used, any number you enter is ignored and 0.01 is used instead. Leave blank to use 0.01. |
IsOnHold | On hold | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies the BOM record is on hold. |
True selects the check box in the BOM record. Note: If on hold, a valid reason for hold must be specified. False leaves the check box clear in the BOM record. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
ReasonForHoldCode | Reason | No |
Note: This is not applicable if the BOM is not on hold. If specified, it must be a valid reason. |
EffectiveFromDate | Effective from | No | ||
EffectiveToDate | Effective to | No | ||
AnalysisCode1 ... AnalysisCode20 | Analysis Code 1 ... 20 | No | If included in the import file, must contain a valid code for the position. | |
RequiresComponentReferences | Component references required | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies component references are required. |
True selects the Component references required check box on the BOM record Components tab. False leaves the check box clear in the BOM record. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
These items relate to the BOM record Components tab and the BOM Component Details.
Item in Import File |
Item in BOM record and BOM Component Details |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
StockItemCode |
Stock Item |
Yes |
Refers to the item in the stock module the BOM is used for. |
The stock item must exist in Stock Control. |
LineType | Type | Yes | Specify Comment, Component or Subassembly. |
A BOM must exist for the item if the type is Subassembly. Note: If Comment, then Name must exist and other component entries should be blank. |
Description | Name | No | Specify text to use for comment. |
Note: This is not applicable if the Type is not Comment. |
ShowCommentOnReport | Show Comment Line In Reports | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the comment line will be printed on reports. |
Note: This is not applicable if the Type is not Comment. True selects the Show Comment Line In Reports check box on the BOM - Comment Line window. False leaves the check box clear in the BOM record. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
UseSpecificVersion | Use specific Version | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that a specific version will be used. |
True selects the Use specific Version check box on the Component Details window. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
Version |
BOM Version |
No |
Note: This only applies if UseSpecificVersion is true and the component item is a Subassembly. |
The BOM version must exist. Uses the latest version for the item if this is left blank in the import file. |
Instructions | Instruction | No | ||
Quantity | Quantity | No | Sets to 1 if left blank in the import file. | |
ScrapPercentage | Scrap Percentage | No | Uses the stock item value if this is left blank in the import file. | |
SequenceNumber | Sequence | No | Uses next available number if this is left blank in the import file. | |
FixedQuantity | Fixed Quantity | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that a fixed quantity is used when ordering. |
True selects the Fixed Quantity check box on the Component Details window. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is left blank in the import file. |
UseInBomOnly | Use only in BOM module | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the component is used in calculations only in the BOM module. |
True selects the Use only in BOM module check box on the Component Details window. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
UnitOfMeasure | Unit of Measure | No |
Note: This is checked against the unit of measure entered in Sage 200. Uses the stock unit of measure if this is left blank in the import file. |
Notes | Notes | No | ||
Description | Description | No | Uses stock record description if this is left blank in the import file. | |
DocumentFile | Document | No |
This item relates to the BOM Component Details Component References tab.
The number of component references must either be 0 (zero) or the same quantity on the associated component line.
Note: RequiresComponentReferences must be set to true for the BOM, if you are assigning component references.
Item in Import File |
Item in BOM Component Details |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
Reference |
Reference |
Yes |
Each reference must be unique. |
This item relates to the BOM record Drawings tab.
Item in Import File |
Item in BOM Record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
Reference |
Reference |
Yes |
The reference must exist in the Drawing Register. |
These items relate to the BOM record Operations tab and the BOM Operation Record Details and Notes tabs.
Item in Import File |
Item in BOM Record or BOM Operation Record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
Reference |
Reference |
Yes |
FromRegister | N/A | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the operation is in the Operations Register. |
True uses all values from the operation in the Operations Register for subcontract and other values in the import file. False means that values from Operations Register are not used. Values from the Operations Register are also not used if FromRegister is left blank in the import file. |
Description | Description | No | Uses the Reference if this is left blank in the import file. | |
Subcontract | Subcontract | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the operation is a subcontract operation. |
True selects the Subcontract check box on the BOM operation record. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
Nonprinting | Do not print Operation | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the operation information should not be printed when you print documentation. |
True selects the Do not print Operation check box on the BOM operation record. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is left blank on the import file. |
OverlapQuantity | Overlap Quantity | No |
Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. |
OverlapShrinkage | Shrinkage Percentage | No |
Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. |
OverlapPercentage | Overlap Percentage | No |
Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. |
DefaultTimeHours | Run Time Hours | No | Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. | |
DefaultTimeMinutes | Run Time Minutes | No | Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. | |
DefaultTimeSeconds | Run Time Seconds | No | Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. | |
DelayTimeHours | Delay Hours | No | Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. | |
DelayTimeMinutes | Delay Minutes | No | Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. | |
DelayTimeSeconds | Delay Seconds | No | Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. | |
QuantityPerRun | Quantity Per Run | No | Sets the value to 1 if this is left blank on the import file. | |
Notes | Notes | No |
These items relate to the BOM Operation Record Resources tab.
Item in Import File |
Item in BOM Operation Record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
Sequence |
Step No. | |||
Phase | Phase | Yes | Specifies if the line belongs to the Setup, RunTime or Teardown phase of the operation. | |
ResourceType | Resource Type | Yes |
Specifies if the resource is a labour, machine or tooling type. |
Group | Resource Type | Yes |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the Resource Type is a group resource. |
Resource Group | Reference | Yes if the Resource Type is a Group. |
The group must exist for the resource type. |
Resource | Reference | Yes if the Resource Type is not a Group. |
The resource must exist for the resource type. |
Rate | Rate | No |
If the resource record specifies that cost rate override is not allowed, uses value from the resource record and not import value. |
Quantity | Quantity | No | Sets the value to 1 if this is left blank on the import file. | |
TimeHours | Hrs | No | ||
TimeMinutes | Min | No | ||
TimeSeconds | Sec | No | ||
FixedLength | Fixed Length | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the operation is fixed length. |
True selects the Fixed Length check box on the Operation Resources tab. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
FixedQuantity | Fixed Quantity | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the operation is fixed length. |
True selects the Fixed Length check box on the Operation Resources tab. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
ManningLevel | Manning Level | No |
Note: This only applies when the resource is a labour resource. |
Priority | Primary or Secondary | No |
Specify Primary or Secondary. Primary specifies the resource is the primary resource. |
Primary selects the Primary check box for the operation resource. Secondary selects the Secondary check box for the operation resource. |
LineType | Type | Yes | This must be an operation, subcontract, comment or document. | |
Notes | Notes |
These items relate to the BOM Operation Subcontract tab.
Item in Import File |
Item in BOM Operation Record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
Supplier |
A/C |
Yes |
Identifies the supplier. |
The supplier must exist in the Purchase Ledger. |
OrderReference | Order Ref. | No | ||
OrderDetails | Order Details | No | ||
LeadTime | Lead Time | No | ||
Saturday | Saturday | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that Saturday is included in planning operations. |
True selects the Saturday check box on the Operation Subcontract tab.
False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
Sunday | Sunday | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that Sunday is included in planning operations. |
True selects the Sunday check box on the Operation Subcontract tab. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
IsDefaultSupplier | Pref. | Yes |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the supplier is the preferred supplier. |
True sets Pref. to Yes on the Operation Subcontract tab. Note: This can only be true on one record linked to an operation. |
CostHeading | Cost Heading | Yes | The cost heading must exist and be the type Subcontract. |
These items relate to the BOM Operation Subcontract tab.
Item in Import File |
Item in BOM Operation Record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
Supplier |
A/C |
Yes |
Links breaks to a supplier. |
The supplier must be linked to the operation. |
QuantityFrom | From | Yes | ||
QuantityTo | To | Yes | This must be greater than the To value. | |
Rate | Cost | Yes | ||
Hours | Hours Offsite | No | ||
PerItem | Rate Per Item | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the cost is per item. |
True selects the Rate Per Item check box on the Operation Subcontract tab. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
These items relate to the BOM Operation Components tab.
Item in Import File |
Item in BOM Operation Record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
StockItem |
Component |
Yes |
This must contain a stock item that is in the list of components for the BOM. |
Quantity | Quantity | No |
This item relates to the BOM record Components and Operations tab.
Item in Import File |
Item in BOM Record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
Comment |
Description |
Yes |
Text for the comment line. |
This item relates to the BOM record Components and Operations tab.
Item in Import File |
Item in BOM Record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
Document File |
Description |
Yes |
Path to the document file. |
Files can be imported and exported using csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. or xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. types. The type required is given for each data type.
You can import and export expense types using the csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. file format only.
The required structure for the csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. file is:
Number | Field | Type | Size |
1 | Reference | String | 30 |
2 | Description | String | 60 |
3 | Memo | Memo | - |
4 | Charge Rate | Double | - |
5 | Unit of Sale | String | 8 |
The required structure for the csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. file is:
Number | Field | Type | Size |
1 | Surname | String | 30 |
2 | First Name | String | 20 |
3 | Address Line 1 | String | 60 |
4 | Address Line 2 | String | 60 |
5 | Address Line 3 | String | 60 |
6 | Address Line 4 | String | 60 |
7 | City | String | 60 |
8 | County | String | 60 |
9 | Postcode | String | 10 |
10 | Initials | String | 5 |
11 | Telephone Country Code | String | 5 |
12 | Telephone Area Code | String | 20 |
13 | Telephone Subscriber Number | String | 200 |
14 | Fax Country Code | String | 5 |
15 | Fax Area Code | String | 20 |
16 | Fax Subscriber Number | String | 200 |
17 | Mobile Country Code | String | 5 |
18 | Mobile Area Code | String | 20 |
19 | Mobile Subscriber Number | String | 200 |
20 | Memo | Memo | - |
21 | Employee Number | String | 10 |
22 | E-Mail Address | String | 255 |
23 | Category Reference | String | 30 |
24 | Category Description | String | 60 |
25 | Rate | Double | - |
26 | Title | String | 20 |
27 | Web Address | String | 255 |
28 | National Insurance No. | String | 15 |
29 | Works No. | String | 50 |
30 | Date Started | Date | - |
31 | Date Left | Date | - |
32 | Clock Number | String | 50 |
33 | Department | String | 30 |
The required structure for the csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. file is:
Number | Field | Type | Size |
1 | Reference | String | 30 |
2 | Forecast Starts | Date | - |
3 | Forecast Ends | Date | - |
4 | Product Code | String | 30 |
5 | Description | String | 60 |
6 | Annual Total | Double | - |
7 | Financial Year Basis? | Boolean | - |
8 | Warehouse | String | 20 |
9 | Week1 | Double | - |
10 | Week2 | Double |
- |
... | ... | ... | ... |
61 | Week53 | Double | - |
Data is imported from an xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file.
Note: Sage can provide a conversion utility to convert a csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. file into the required xml format. The conversion does not support the full range of values you can import in xml, but allows you to process key pieces of data. Ask your Business Partner for more information.
GroupReference and CostHeading are mandatory.
Item in Import File |
Item in Machine Resource Group record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
GroupReference |
Reference |
Yes |
This must be unique. |
Description | Description | No | ||
CostHeading | Cost Heading | Yes |
This must be an existing cost heading. |
CostNominalAccountNumber | Nominal Code | No |
This must be an existing nominal account of type posting. The cost heading nominal code is used in the imported record, if this is blank in the import file. |
CostNominalCostCentre | Nominal Code | No | ||
CostNominalDepartment | Nominal Code | No | ||
OverheadNominalAccountNumber | Overhead Nominal Code | No |
This must be an existing nominal account of type posting. The cost heading overhead nominal code is used in the imported record, if this is blank in the import file. |
OverheadNominalCostCentre | Overhead Nominal Code | No | ||
OverheadNominalDepartment | Overhead Nominal Code | No |
CostRate | Cost Rate | No |
OverheadRecoveryPercentage | Overhead Recovery % | No |
EfficiencyPercentage | Efficiency % | No |
Reference, ToolResourceGroup and CostHeading are mandatory.
Item in Import File |
Item in Tool Resource record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
Reference |
Reference |
Yes |
This must be unique. | |
Description | Description | No | ||
ToolResourceGroup | Group | Yes |
This must be an existing machine resource group. |
CostHeading | Cost Heading | Yes | This must be an existing cost heading. | |
Location | Location | No | ||
Dimensions | Dimensions | No | ||
CostNominalAccountNumber | Nominal Code | No |
This must be an existing nominal account of type posting. The cost heading nominal code is used in the imported record, if this is blank in the import file. |
CostNominalCostCentre |
Nominal Code |
No |
CostNominalDepartment | Nominal Code | No | ||
OverheadNominalAccountNumber | Overhead Nominal Code | No |
This must be an existing nominal account of type posting. The cost heading overhead nominal code is used in the imported record, if this is blank in the import file. |
OverheadNominalCostCentre | Overhead Nominal Code | No | ||
OverheadNominalDepartment | Overhead Nominal Code | No | ||
CostRate | Cost Rate | No | Uses the rate from the group resource if this is blank in the import file. | |
AllowCostRateOverride | Allow Cost Rate Override | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that you want to override the tool resource cost rate in the Operations Register. |
True selects the Allow Cost Rate Override check box on the tool resource Details tab. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
Quantity | Quantity | No | Uses the quantity from the group resource if this is blank in the import file. | |
OverheadRecoveryPercentage | Overhead Recovery % | No | Uses the value from the group resource if this is blank in the import file. | |
EfficiencyPercentage | Efficiency % | No | Uses the value from the group resource if this is blank in the import file. | |
OrdinaryServiceHours | Ordinary Service Hours | No | ||
FullServiceHours | Full Service Hours | No | ||
ServiceInterval | Service Interval | No | ||
ServiceIntervalFrequency | Service Interval Unit | No |
This must exist in collection of units for the resource. Uses hours if this is blank in the import file. |
CalibrationInterval | Calibration Interval | No | ||
CalibrationIntervalFrequency | Calibration Interval Unit | No |
This must exist in collection of units for the resource. Uses hours if this is blank in the import file. |
SourceCalibration | Source Calibration | No | ||
OriginalCertificate | Original Certificate | No | ||
AssetSerialNumber | Serial Number | No | ||
Range | Range | No | ||
ToolResourceType | Type | No | ||
Notes | Notes | No |
Data is imported from an xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file.
Note: Sage can provide a conversion utility to convert a csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. file into the required xml format. The conversion does not support the full range of values you can import in xml, but allows you to process key pieces of data. Ask your Business Partner for more information.
GroupReference and CostHeading are mandatory.
Item in Import File |
Item in Machine Resource Group record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
GroupReference |
Reference |
Yes |
This must be unique. |
Description | Description | No | ||
CostHeading | Cost Heading | Yes |
This must be an existing cost heading. |
CostNominalAccountNumber | Nominal Code | No |
This must be an existing nominal account of type posting. The cost heading nominal code is used in the imported record, if this is blank in the import file. |
CostNominalCostCentre | Nominal Code | No | ||
CostNominalDepartment | Nominal Code | No | ||
OverheadNominalAccountNumber | Overhead Nominal Code | No |
This must be an existing nominal account of type posting. The cost heading overhead nominal code is used in the imported record, if this is blank in the import file. |
OverheadNominalCostCentre | Overhead Nominal Code | No | ||
OverheadNominalDepartment | Overhead Nominal Code | No |
CostRate | Cost Rate | No |
OverheadRecoveryPercentage | Overhead Recovery % | No |
EfficiencyPercentage | Efficiency % | No |
Reference, MachineResourceGroup and CostHeading are mandatory.
Item in Import File |
Item in Machine Resource record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
Reference |
Reference |
Yes |
This must be unique. | |
MachineResourceGroup | Group | Yes |
This must be an existing machine resource group. |
Description | Description | No | ||
CostHeading | Cost Heading | Yes | This must be an existing cost heading. | |
Location | Location | No | ||
Dimensions | Dimensions | No | ||
CostNominalAccountNumber | Nominal Code | No |
This must be an existing nominal account of type posting. The cost heading nominal code is used in the imported record, if this is blank in the import file. |
CostNominalCostCentre |
Nominal Code |
No |
CostNominalDepartment | Nominal Code | No | ||
OverheadNominalAccountNumber | Overhead Nominal Code | No |
This must be an existing nominal account of type posting. The cost heading overhead nominal code is used in the imported record, if this is blank in the import file. |
OverheadNominalCostCentre | Overhead Nominal Code | No | ||
OverheadNominalDepartment | Overhead Nominal Code | No | ||
CostRate | Cost Rate | No | Uses the rate from the group resource if this is blank in the import file. | |
AllowCostRateOverride | Allow Cost Rate Override | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that you want to override the machine resource cost rate in the Operations Register. |
True selects the Allow Cost Rate Override check box on the machine resource Details tab. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
OverheadRecoveryPercentage | Overhead Recovery % | No | Uses the value from the group resource if this is blank in the import file. | |
EfficiencyPercentage | Efficiency % | No | Uses the value from the group resource if this is blank in the import file. | |
FullServiceHours | Full Service Hours | No | ||
OrdinaryServiceHours | Ordinary Service Hours | No | ||
ServiceInterval | Service Interval | No | ||
ServiceIntervalFrequency | Service Interval Unit | No |
This must exist in collection of units for the resource. Uses hours if this is blank in the import file. |
CalibrationInterval | Calibration Interval | No | ||
CalibrationServiceIntervalFrequency | Calibration Interval Unit | No |
This must exist in collection of units for the resource. Uses hours if this is blank in the import file. |
SourceCalibration | Source Calibration | No | ||
OriginalCertificate | Original Certificate | No | ||
AssetSerialNumber | Serial Number | No | ||
Range | Range | No | ||
MachineResourceType | Type | No | ||
Notes | Notes | No |
Data is imported from an xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file.
Note: Sage can provide a conversion utility to convert a csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. file into the required xml format. The conversion does not support the full range of values you can import in xml, but allows you to process key pieces of data. Ask your Business Partner for more information.
GroupReference and CostHeading are mandatory.
Item in Import File |
Item in Labour Resource Group record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
GroupReference |
Reference |
Yes |
This must be unique. |
Description | Description | No | ||
CostHeading | Cost Heading | Yes |
This must be an existing cost heading. |
CostNominalAccountNumber | Nominal Code | No |
This must be an existing nominal account of type posting. The cost heading nominal code is used in the imported record, if this is blank in the import file. |
CostNominalCostCentre | Nominal Code | No | ||
CostNominalDepartment | Nominal Code | No | ||
OverheadNominalAccountNumber | Overhead Nominal Code | No |
This must be an existing nominal account of type posting. The cost heading overhead nominal code is used in the imported record, if this is blank in the import file. |
OverheadNominalCostCentre | Overhead Nominal Code | No | ||
OverheadNominalDepartment | Overhead Nominal Code | No |
CostRate | Cost Rate | No |
PieceWork | Piece Work | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that cost is based on number of items completed. |
True selects the Piece Work check box on the Labour Resource Group Details window. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
PieceWorkQuantity | Piece Work Quantity | No |
Note: This is not applicable if Piece Work is not set to true. |
OverheadRecoveryPercentage | Overhead Recovery % | No |
EfficiencyPercentage | Efficiency % | No |
Reference, CostHeading and LabourResourceGroup are mandatory.
Item in Import File |
Item in Labour Resource record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
Reference |
Reference |
Yes |
This must be unique. | |
Description | Description | No | ||
CostHeading | Cost Heading | Yes | This must be an existing cost heading. | |
LabourResourceGroup | Group | Yes |
This must be an existing labour resource group. |
CostNominalAccountNumber | Nominal Code | No |
This must be an existing nominal account of type posting. The cost heading nominal code is used in the imported record, if this is blank in the import file. |
CostNominalCostCentre |
Nominal Code |
No |
CostNominalDepartment | Nominal Code | No | ||
OverheadNominalAccountNumber | Overhead Nominal Code | No |
This must be an existing nominal account of type posting. The cost heading overhead nominal code is used in the imported record, if this is blank in the import file. |
OverheadNominalCostCentre | Overhead Nominal Code | No | ||
OverheadNominalDepartment | Overhead Nominal Code | No | ||
CostRate | Cost Rate | No |
PieceWork | Piece Work | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that cost is based on number of items completed. |
True selects the Piece Work check box on the labour resource Details tab. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
PieceWorkQuantity | Piece Work Quantity | No |
Note: This is not applicable if Piece Work is not set to true. |
OverheadRecoveryPercentage | Overhead Recovery % | No |
EfficiencyPercentage | Efficiency % | No | ||
AllowCostRateOverride | Allow Cost Rate Override | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that you want to override the labour resource cost rate in the Operations Register. |
True selects the Allow Cost Rate Override check box on the labour resource Details tab. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
Notes | Notes | No |
Data is exported to and imported from an xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file.
Note: Sage can provide a conversion utility to convert a csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. file into the required xml format. The conversion does not support the full range of values you can import in xml, but allows you to process key pieces of data. Ask your Business Partner for more information.
The operation Reference, ResourceType, resource Reference, OperationPhase, operation subcontract SupplierAccountRef, DefaultSupplier, CostHeading, QuantityFrom, QuantityTo and Cost are mandatory.
Operation Header
These items relate to the Operation Details and Notes tabs.
Item in Import File |
Item in Operation Record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
Reference |
Reference |
Yes |
Description | Description | No | Uses the Reference if this is left blank in the import file. | |
Subcontract | Subcontract | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the operation is a subcontract operation.
True selects the Subcontract check box on the Operation record. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
Nonprinting | Do not print Operation | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the operation information should not be printed when you print documentation. |
True selects the Do not Print Operation check box on the Operation record. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is left blank on the import file. |
OverlapQuantity | Overlap Quantity | No |
Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. |
Shrinkage | Shrinkage Percentage | No |
Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. |
OverlapPercentage | Overlap Percentage | No |
Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. |
DefaultRunTimeHours | Run Time Hours | No | Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. | |
DefaultRunTimeMinutes | Run Time Minutes | No | Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. | |
DefaultRunTimeSeconds | Run Time Seconds | No | Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. | |
QuantityPerRun | Quantity Per Run | No | Sets the value to 1 if this is left blank on the import file. | |
DelayHours | Delay Hours | No | Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. | |
DelayMinutes | Delay Minutes | No | Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. | |
DelaySeconds | Delay Seconds | No | Sets the value to 0 (zero) if this is left blank on the import file. | |
Notes | Notes | No |
Operation Line
These items relate to the Operation Record Resources tab.
Item in Import File |
Item in Operation Record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
ResourceType | Resource Type | Yes |
Specifies if the resource is a labour, machine or tooling type.
Reference | Reference | Yes |
If the Resource Type is a Group, the group must exist for the resource type. If the Resource Type is not a Group, the resource must exist for the resource type. |
Description | Description | No | Uses the Reference if this is left blank in the import file. | |
SequenceNumber |
Step No. | |||
OperationPhase | Phase | Yes | Specifies if the line belongs to the Setup, RunTime or Teardown phase of the operation. | |
CostRate | Rate | No |
If the resource record specifies that cost rate override is not allowed, uses value from the resource record and not import value. |
CostQuantity | Quantity | No | Sets the value to 1 if this is left blank on the import file. | |
Hours | Hrs | No | ||
Minutes | Min | No | ||
Seconds | Sec | No | ||
FixedLength | Fixed Length | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the operation is fixed length. |
True selects the Fixed Length check box on the Operation Resources tab. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
FixedLengthQuantity | Fixed Quantity | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the operation is fixed length. |
True selects the Fixed Length check box on the Operation Resources tab. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
ManningLevel | Manning Level | No |
Note: This only applies when the resource is a labour resource. |
IsPrimaryResource | Primary | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies the resource is the primary resource. |
True selects the Primary check box for the operation resource. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
IsSecondaryResource | Secondary | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies the resource is the secondary resource. |
True selects the Secondary check box for the operation resource. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
Notes | Notes |
Operation Sub Contract Supplier
These items relate to the Operation Subcontract tab.
Item in Import File |
Item in BOM Operation Record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
SupplierAccountRef |
A/C |
Yes |
Identifies the supplier. |
The supplier must exist in the Purchase Ledger. |
OrderReference | Order Ref. | No | ||
OrderDetails | Order Details | No | ||
LeadTime | Lead Time | No | ||
Saturday | Saturday | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that Saturday is included in planning operations. |
True selects the Saturday check box on the Operation Subcontract tab.
False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
Sunday | Sunday | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that Sunday is included in planning operations. |
True selects the Sunday check box on the Operation Subcontract tab. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
DefaultSupplier | Pref. | Yes |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the supplier is the preferred supplier. |
True sets Pref. to Yes on the Operation Subcontract tab. Note: This can only be true on one record linked to an operation. |
CostHeading | Cost Heading | Yes | The cost heading must exist and be of type Subcontract. |
Operation Sub Contract Quantity Break
These items relate to the Operation Subcontract tab.
Item in Import File |
Item in Operation Record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
QuantityFrom | From | Yes | ||
QuantityTo | To | Yes | This must be greater than the To value. | |
Cost | Cost | Yes | ||
HoursOffsite | Hours Offsite | No | ||
RatePerItem | Rate Per Item | No |
Specify true or false. True specifies that the cost is per item. |
True selects the Rate Per Item check box on the Operation Subcontract tab. False leaves the check box clear. The check box is also left clear if this is blank in the import file. |
This file includes operation resources only. The Subcontract flag is set to false.
This file includes operation sucontract information only. The Subcontract flag is set to true.
You can import resources and subcontracts for the operation in one file and then change the Subcontract flag as required once the information has been imported.
This file includes both operation resources and subcontract information. The Subcontract flag is set to false but this can be amended after import.
You can import and export drawings data, using the xmlExtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file format only.
Note: Sage can provide a conversion utility to convert a csvComma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. file into the required xml format. The conversion does not support the full range of values you can import in xml, but allows you to process key pieces of data. Ask your Business Partner for more information.
The drawing Reference is mandatory.
Item in Import File |
Item in Drawing record |
Mandatory |
Use |
Notes |
Reference |
Reference |
Yes |
This must be unique. |
Description | Description | No | ||
Notes | Notes | No |
UserRevisionNumber | User Revision Number | No | ||
Location | Location | No | ||
Author | Author | No | ||
Title | Title | No |
EffectiveFromDate | Effective From | No | ||
EffectiveToDate | Effective To | No |
IndexNumber | Index Number | No |
This must be later than the from date. |
MediaType | Media Type | No | ||
DesignPackage | Design Package | No | ||
StockCode | Stock Code | No | ||
CustomerAccountNumber | A/C | No |