> Manufacturing / Estimating / Creating an estimate / Creating an estimate - full / Totals

Totals (EST Record)

To amend costs, mark-ups or selling prices, you must return to your stage details by clicking on the Stages tab. You can use the Totals tab to recalculate the cost of an estimate.

Note: Amendments to Totals will change values on the estimate quantity breaks.

To use the Totals tab

Open: Estimating > Records > Enter New Estimate - Full | Totals.

  1. The Totals tab shows the total of all stagesEstimating jobs involves breaking the jobs down into stages for accumulation and analysis of job costs. Each job must have at least one stage. added together.
  2. To recalculate the cost of the estimate, click Recost Now.
  3. To convert non-stock itemsItems which do not have a product record set up in Stock Control. Such items are usually bought for a specific job. into stock items, click Convert Non-Stock Items to Stock Items.

    The Convert Non-Stock Items window appears listing all of the non-stock items, across all stages on this estimate.

  4. Enter the Product Code for each item you want to convert. If you do not want to convert a specific entry, leave the Product Code column blank.
  5. Click OK. The Enter New Stock Item window appears for each item that you want to convert.
  6. To continue entering Estimate Details, select Attached Files.
  7. To save your Estimate Details, click Save.

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