> Bill of Materials / Costing a BOM / Viewing cost breakdown

Viewing cost breakdown

To view cost breakdown

Open: Bill of Materials > Processing > Cost.

Open: Bill of Materials > Records > Amend Bill of Materials | Cost.

  1. To expand the breakdown to include cost headings, components and operations:
  2. To collapse the breakdown:
  3. To view detailed breakdown, click Detailed View.
  4. To view summary breakdown, click Summary View.
  5. To group operational costs differently, click alongside Group Operational Costs By and choose from:
  6. To provide a breakdown of costs in the BOM hierarchy, select Roll up Sub-Assemblies into Cost Headings.

    The check box is either selected or not, by default, based on what you entered in the BOM Settings Costing tab.

    When selected, a labour cost on subassembly is represented as a labour cost on the top level BOM, rather than captured as a material cost.

  7. To display the cost values for the BOM, click View Log.

    The Costing Log window appears.

  8. To view the cost values in a chart, click View Chart.

    The Cost Heading Breakdown window appears.

  9. To print the cost breakdown, click Print.

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