> Product and projects / Projects / Records / Project structures

Project Record Structure

Accounts Plus and Accounts Professional only

To help you manage projects that are made up of several smaller projects, you can create a project structure. This means you can break down your projects into the smaller projects but still see the overall impact of the project.

By doing this, you can manage the costs associated with each phase or activity against the allocated budget, as well as manage costs for the project as a whole.

Find out more about how to enter information in:

Details Analysis Activity Budgets Structure Memo

Rules that apply to a project structureOpen this section

To create or amend a project structureOpen this section

  1. Projects > double-click the required project > Structure.
  2. Link your project records to form a project structure, using the following options:

    Add Existing

    Adds an existing project record to the project structure.

    Click Add Existing > select the required project > OK.

    Note: Use the View Type drop-down list to choose how projects appear. This can be a structure view by name or project reference or a project view that lists the projects by name.

    Add New

    Creates a new project record to add to the structure.

    Click Add New > enter a unique project reference and a description > OK.

    Expand All

    Shows all sub-projects in the structure.

    Collapse All

    Rolls up all projects so that sub-projects no longer appear.


    Removes a project record, its costs and sub-projects from the structure.

    This only removes the projects from the structure, it does not delete the records.


    Change the position of a project record within the structure.

    Select the project record > click the relevant arrow to move the record within the structure.

    Note: There are a maximum of ten levels to a project structure.

    View Type

    Sort the project structure by project name or reference. Use the drop-down list to choose one of the following:

    • Structure - By Name
    • Structure - By Reference

    Analysis for

    Shows the analysis information for the project record.

    To see the total for all projects in the structure, select the Rolled up totals check box.

  3. Save > Close.

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