When you manage a project there are usually quite a few documents associated with this, to help you keep track of these you can attach them to each of your Project records in the Memo tab.
You can use the Memo tab in the Project record to attach any documents you may have on your computer to this record. For example, you may have a shipping manifest you want to attach.
It's also really useful if you need to enter any notes into the record.
Find out more about how to enter information in:
Details | Analysis | Activity | Budgets | Structure | Memo |
Leave the file in its current location | This creates a shortcut to the location of the file in Sage but does not move the file into your Sage data files. |
Copy the file into the Sage 50 Accounts data folder | This copies the file into your Sage data, but also leaves the file in its current location. Note: This may increase your backup file sizes if you back up all files. |
Move the file into the Sage 50 Accounts data folder | This moves the file from its current location into your Sage data. Note: This may increase your backup file sizes if you back up all files. |
This is for reference purposes only as this refers to a paper document. Type the location and name of the document, then click OK.
This shows the actual file properties.
In the bottom section of this window you can type in any notes you want to associate with this project record. To save any of the information you enter, click Save.