> Sales Order Processing / Sales orders / Create sales orders / Copy a sales order

Copy a sales order

To create an order using copy

Open: Sales Order Processing > Sales Orders > Enter New Order - Full.

  1. Click Copy Order.
  2. Specify the order number you want to copy or click Find to search for the order you want to copy.
  3. To copy the order to a different customer, use the lists to select the required customer.
  4. Note: If you select a customer that is on hold, a warning is displayed and you must select another customer for the order.

  5. If the order is for a different customer, select Copy order line price and discounts to copy the prices and line discounts as well as the order line items and quantities check box.

    Note: You cannot select this if the customer uses a different currency to the customer on the original order.

  6. Click OK.

    The order details are displayed. Amend the order as required.

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