> Customers / Manage customer transactions / Adjust sales transactions / Refund online receipts

Refund online receipts

To refund online receipts

Open: Sales Ledger > Adjust Transactions > Refund Online Card Receipt.

  1. Select whether to refund a sales ledger receipt or receipt taken with a sales order.
  2. Select the Details.
  3. Refundable transactions for the customer are listed.

  4. Select the transaction to refund.
  5. Note: Only one transaction can be refunded at one time.

  6. Click Refund.
  7. The Enter Customer Card Refund for window appears.

  8. Enter the Transaction details.
  9. Enter the Value that you want to refund.
  10. Note: You cannot refund more than the original value of the receipt(s) being refunded. If any refunds have already been made, these are taken into account when calculating the maximum value allowed for refund.

  11. Enter the Settlement discount.
  12. The system will generate a Sales Payment transaction for the refunded amount.

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