> Purchase Order Processing / Manage goods received / Confirm services received

Confirm services received

To confirm services received

Confirm services received can be carried out by several people at the same time provided they are not recording services received for the same supplier.

Open: Purchase Order Processing > Order Processing > Services/Free Text Received > Confirm Services/Text Items Received.

  1. Select the supplier of the service using the drop-downs.
  2. Enter the supplier's delivery reference.
  3. Accept or amend the displayed goods received date.
  4. Enter a narrative (optional).
  5. Select the item from those displayed.

    Note: If an item has not been authorised and you have not chosen to allow processing of unauthorised purchase orders on the Order Processing tab of the POP settings, the order line will be displayed but you will not be able to select it.

  6. Enter the quantity into the Qty Received column (a value greater than zero expressed in the buying unit for the item).
  7. Continue to select and confirm the displayed items.
  8. Click Save.

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