Use this to allocate existing payments to outstanding invoices.
You can:
Cancel (reverse) the allocations, as long as you have not saved them.
To unallocate or revise the allocation details once you have saved them, use amend allocations.
Note: You cannot use Allocation on Balance forward accounts or for invoices marked as queried.
If you are creating and allocating a new payment:
If you are allocating foreign currency transactions and using foreign currency revaluation:
If you are allocating existing transactions:
Once transactions are fully allocated, they can be removed when a period end is run ( as long as they are older than the number of months you specified to Keep Transactions For in the Purchase Ledger settings Supplier Defaults tab).
Open: Purchase Ledger > Enter Transactions > Allocation.
Enter the Allocation Date. This defaults to the system date.
The Allocation Date is used to age transactions on the retrospective aged creditors report.
The displayed window is split into two sections. The top section of the window shows the Credits (payments) for the account and the bottom section of the window displays the Debits (invoices) for the account.
Transactions are displayed in ascending order by transaction date. You can sort the entries by selecting a column and then change the view from ascending to descending order or vice versa.
The following information is displayed for all transactions:
Transaction Type, Transaction date, Reference, Second reference, (gross) Value, Outstanding (value), Discount (amount), Discount due (date), Allocated (amount), Query (flag), payment Status (Full for fully allocated and Part for part allocated).
Follow the required procedure:
Use this if you want Sage 200 to allocate your transactions automatically.
If the total of the credits (payments) is greater than the total outstanding debits (invoices), the credit entries are allocated first, until the credit value to allocate is equal to the total outstanding debit value. All outstanding invoices are then fully allocated.
Use this if you want to select the required entries and confirm the amount to allocate.
Click Allocate. The total amount of the payment appears in the Allocate column.
If you want to part allocate the payment, enter the amount you want to allocate.
Note: If you are only allocating one credit item (payment) the reference of that item is recorded as the second reference of the debit item (invoice) if the second reference of the invoice is blank.
Choose to write off the amount as discount.
This posts to the nominal discount account and bank nominal account.
Use this to choose an outstanding invoice that you want to pay and create and allocate the corresponding payment. The supplier and bank account you choose to record the payment must operate in the same currency.
You cannot enter a payment for any transactions that are queried.
Click Payment.
The supplier transaction entry window appears.
Use this to cancel the allocations you have made before saving.
Debit and Credit.
This clears all the allocations made.
Debit only.
This clears the allocations of the debits (invoices) only. The credits (payments) keep their allocated value.
Note: Once saved, you must use Amend Allocations to amend the allocations made.
Use this if you want to assign or remove a query flag on a transaction. Placing a query prevents further actions on a transaction until you remove the query. (This is different from applying an On Hold flag, which applies to the whole account).