Use Import Transactions to import customer and supplier transactions.
You cannot add information to existing transactions.
No check is made to see whether the transactions already exist in the Sales or Purchase Ledgers.
You can import the following transactions in base and foreign currency:
Imported transactions are always posted to the Nominal Ledger and Sales or Purchase Ledger. You can choose to post the transactions to the Cash Book. If you import foreign currency payments and receipts, you must Update the Cash Book.
Transactions are posted to the Nominal Ledger.
If you have chosen to Update the Nominal Ledger immediately in Accounting System Manager System Settings Operational settings tab, current transactions are posted to the relevant nominal ledger accounts. All future transactions are posted to the Waiting postings file.
If you have not chosen to update the nominal ledger immediately, all transactions are posted to the Waiting postings file.
Update Pending Transactions Report.
This shows all the valid transactions.
Update Pending Transactions Report (Invalid).
This shows all the invalid transactions and the reason why they cannot be imported.
To import using Import Transactions, you must:
Within Sales or Purchase Ledger:
Open: Utilities > Import > Import Transactions.
Choose to:
Validate records only |
Select this to check the import file is correctly prepared. This checks the database identifiers to make sure the transactions being imported are compatible with existing data in your system's database. For example, it checks that the cost centres and departments are valid. The Update Pending Transactions reports are printed showing the valid and invalid transactions. No transactions are imported. |
Validate and import records |
Select this to check the import file and import all valid transactions. All the valid transactions are imported. The invalid transactions are ignored. The Update Pending Transactions reports are printed, showing the valid and invalid transactions. |
Update Cash Book |
Select this to:
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