> Cash Book / Standing orders and direct debits / Set up a standing order or direct debit

Set up a standing order or direct debit

You can use a direct debit to spread a total payment value over a set number of periods. Standing orders are used to record regular payments where the overall duration of the term is unknown.

Once set up direct debits and standing order

To set up a standing order or direct debit

Open: Cash Book > Standing Orders and Direct Debits > Maintain Standing Orders and Direct Debits.

  1. Select the bank account you want to record a standing order or direct debit to.

    Note: You can only use a foreign bank account if you intend to process nominal standing orders and direct debits.

  2. Click Add.

    The New Standing Order/Direct Debit window appears.

  3. Select the Posting type (sales receipt, purchase payment or nominal, taxable or non taxable, standing order or direct debit).

    There may be differences to the boxes listed depending on the Posting type you select.

  4. Select the trader or nominal account to assign the entry to.
  5. Specify the entry details.
  6. For a direct debit specify the values.
  7. For a standing order enter the regular values (include the tax element, if you have elected to record a taxable nominal payment or receipt).

    The Cash Book calculates and displays the goods and tax values based on the regular value you have entered. You can amend the Goods value or Tax value and the Cash Book recalculates the values for you.

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