Select the information on your report you want to work with,
then from the Properties pane, view
the Behaviour area. If you can't see the Behaviour title, click the Categorized
button at the top of the pane.
Depending on the information you are working with, some properties are not relevant and are therefore unavailable.
Property |
Description |
Align to Bottom |
Controls the placement a grouped section footer or the Report Footer. If set to True, the footer is placed at the bottom of the page rather than midway, which can happen if the report ends halfway through a page. |
Allow Overlap |
Controls group footers. To save space on your report, you can allow footers can overlap each other. This works well if the information in footers are positioned in separate areas; e.g. one footer has information printed on the left, whereas the next footer prints information on the right. |
Apply Sign After Group |
Controls how the total for a group is displayed when it uses the credit or debit sign.
Display Named Values |
Relevant when dealing with coded variables. Coded variables use a value (0, 1, 2) to represent a status; such as on hold, true or false. Rather than displaying a value, you can display a meaningful description in your report.
Drill Down |
Used to drill down to a further report or web page when previewing the report or viewing it as a PDF file. See Drill down reports. |
Evaluate Section |
Use this to specify what to count when calculating the value of an expression. This is important for aggregate functions such as Sum and Count, as they increase each time the section is generated in the report.
Note: Use this with the Reset Section property to restart the count. |
Is Cumulative | This property is used with functions. If set to Yes, the value is displayed as a running total; if set to No, the value will be the total for the entire group. |
Locked |
Fixes information on a report to stop it from being moved. This is useful when you use pre-printed stationery, as it ensures the information is in the right position when it is printed. You can also lock and unlock information by choosing Format > Locking. |
Page Break After |
Available on a Group Footer section. If you want the report to start a new page at the end of each group, set this option to True. |
Page Break Before |
Available on a Group Header section. If you want the report to start a new page at the start of each group, set this option to True. |
Page Break Only When Filter Met |
Available on a Group Footer section. Only apply the page break if the Filter expression is True; i.e. the group section is displayed. |
Repeat on each page | If the Details section extends onto multiple pages, this sets whether the header section will be repeated at the top of each subsequent page (True), or is only displayed on the first page (False). |
Reset Section |
Use this to restart calculating values for a section; otherwise the cumulative value for one section is passed to the next. Note: Used with the Evaluate Section property. |
Start on Page |
Available on a Group Header section. To set the group to start on an odd or even page, set the Start on Page option to Even or Odd. Tip: This is useful printing invoices on double-sided paper, as you can set a new start page for each invoice number. |
Suppress Duplicates Section |
Excludes duplicate values from your report on a section by section basis. If your report has been split into different sections, then the information will be repeated but only once in each section. |
Visible |
Hides information from the report; it will not appear in Designer or Preview modes, or when printing the report. Tip: To view hidden pieces of information in a report, use the Report Explorer pane; as this displays every item in the report. |