Some of the following examples use advanced conditional formatting. Before you try these examples, choose Tools > Options, then select the Options tab and enable Use Advanced Conditional Formatting.
Operator |
Action |
+ |
Use a plus sign to add values. To get a payment date that is 30 days after an invoice was sent: INVOICE.INVOICE_DATE+30 This example can be used to display the value on the report or as part of another expression. |
- |
Use a minus sign to subtract values. To calculate the difference between gross and net amounts on an invoice: INVOICE.INVOICE_GROSS-INVOICE.INVOICE_NET This expression can be used to display the value on the report or as part of another expression. |
* |
Use an asterisk to multiply values. To calculate what percentage of the sales price the unit price is: INVOICE_ITEM.UNIT_PRICE/STOCK.SALES_PRICE*100 This expression can be used to display the value on the report or as part of another expression. |
/ |
Use a forward slash to divide values. Divide. For example, 5/2 = 2.5. |
^ |
Use ^ for exponential functions; for example, 3^2 means 3 to the power of 2, which results in 9. This expression can be used to display the value on the report or as part of another expression. |
% |
Use a percent symbol to calculate percentages. If you calculate 5%2, you get 1. This example can be used to display the value on the report or as part of another expression. |
Use a logical NOT to test is a statement is false. To check if invoice types do not contain "SOP": if NOT Contains(INVOICE.INVOICE_TYPE, "SOP") then TextStyle->Color:=NamedColor("Red"); This example is an advanced conditional formatting expression. |
Use LIKE to test if a string contains information. To only include information for the customer with the account reference "Johnson": SALES_LEDGER.ACCOUNT_REF LIKE "JOHNSON" This example can be used as a filter expression or for conditional formatting. |
Use NOT LIKE to test if a string does not contain information.. To exclude information for the customer with the account reference "Johnson": SALES_LEDGER.ACCOUNT_REF NOT LIKE "Johnson" This example can be used as a filter expression or for conditional formatting. |
Use a logical AND to test if all statements are true. Customers with both a turnover for the year to date of less than £1000, and a prior year balance that is greater than £2500: SALES_LEDGER.TURNOVER_YTD<1000 AND SALES_LEDGER.PRIOR_YEAR>2500 This example can be used as a filter expression or for conditional formatting. |
OR |
Use a logical OR to test if at least one or another statement is true. To include customers with either: a turnover for the year to date of less than £1000; or a prior year balance that is greater than £2500: SALES_LEDGER.TURNOVER_YTD<1000 OR SALES_LEDGER.PRIOR_YEAR>2500 This example can be used as a filter expression or for conditional formatting. |
() |
Use brackets (parentheses) to group parts of the expression, to define the order in which it is evaluated. To include customers with a turnover between £1000 - £2000, and whose prior year balance is greater than £2500: (SALES_LEDGER.TURNOVER_YTD>1000 AND SALES_LEDGER.TURNOVER_YTD<2000) AND SALES_LEDGER.PRIOR_YEAR>2500 This example can be used as a filter expression or for conditional formatting. |
{} |
Use curly brackets (braces) to enclose multiple lines in an expression. If Contains(SALES_LEDGER.NAME, "Johnson") then { TextStyle->Color:=NamedColor("Red"); TextStyle->Underline:=1; } This example is an advanced conditional formatting expression. |
Begin is a text equivalent of {. |
End is the text equivalent of }. |
, |
Use a comma to separate items. |
; |
Use a semi-colon to separate multiple lines. If Contains(SALES_LEDGER.NAME, "Johnson") then Begin TextStyle->Color:=NamedColor("Red"); TextStyle->Underline:=1; End This example is an advanced conditional formatting expression. |
Set a variable to be true; for example, to set the word wrap property to true: WordWrap:=True |
Set a variable to be false; for example, to set the word wrap property to false: WordWrap:=False |
To construct a conditional statement, use IF, THEN, ELSE. If sales ledger names contain "Johnson", they appear red and with a shadow of depth 1. Otherwise the names appear blue: If Contains(SALES_LEDGER.NAME,"Johnson") then Begin TextStyle->Color:=NamedColor("Red"); Formatting->Border->DropShadowDepth:=1; End Else TextStyle->Color:=NamedColor("Blue") This example is an advanced conditional formatting expression. |
Use SWITCH to construct a conditional statement. To set the colour of the country code according to its value; red for Germany (DE), blue for France (FR), and green for any other country. Switch COUNTRY_CODE.CODE Case "DE": TextStyle->Color:=NamedColor("Red") Case "FR": TextStyle->Color:=NamedColor("Blue") Default: Begin TextStyle->Color:=NamedColor("Green"); End This example is an advanced conditional formatting expression. |
> |
Compare if a value is greater than another value. Customers with a turnover for the year to date that is greater than £1000: SALES_LEDGER.TURNOVER_YTD>1000 |
< |
Compare if a value is less than another value. Customers with a turnover for the year to date that is less than £1000: SALES_LEDGER.TURNOVER_YTD<1000 This example can be used as a filter expression or for conditional formatting. |
= |
Compare if a value is equal to another value. Customers with a turnover for the year to date that is equal to £1000: SALES_LEDGER.TURNOVER_YTD=1000 This example can be used as a filter expression or for conditional formatting. |
>= |
Compare if a value is greater than or equal to another value. Customers with a turnover for the year to date that is greater than or equal to £1000: SALES_LEDGER.TURNOVER_YTD>=1000 This example can be used as a filter expression or for conditional formatting. |
<= |
Compare if a value is less than or equal to another value. Customers with a turnover for the year to date that is less than or equal to £1000: SALES_LEDGER.TURNOVER_YTD<=1000 This example can be used as a filter expression or for conditional formatting. |
<> |
Compare if a value is not equal to another value. Customers with a turnover that is not equal to £1000: SALES_LEDGER.TURNOVER_YTD<>1000 This example can be used as a filter expression or for conditional formatting. |
-> |
This is used to select properties. To make values of less than 0 appear red: If SALES_LEDGER.BALANCE<0 then TextStyle->Color:= NamedColor("Red") The property is only set if the statement on the left is true. This example is an advanced conditional formatting expression. |
:= |
This is used to assign a value. To make values of less than 0 appear red: If SALES_LEDGER.BALANCE<0 then TextStyle->Color:= NamedColor("Red") This example can be used as an Advanced Conditional Formatting expression. Note: You cannot use := to assign a value to a variable (data field), as these are read-only. For example, you cannot use Text:= with a variable, you can only use this with a text box. |
? : |
To show balances greater than 0 as credit, and balances less than 0 as debit: SALES_LEDGER.BALANCE>0?"Credit":"Debit" In this example, 'Credit' appears if a value is more than 0 because it is to the left of ':'. 'Debit' appears for values that do not obey the expression to the left of '?', because it is to the right of ':'. This example can be used to display the value on the report or as part of another expression. |