Report Designer provides several toolbars for commonly used tasks. Additional tasks are available from the menu.
Toolbar | Description |
General | Use this toolbar for commonly used tasks; such as save, print, and report properties. |
Alignment | Use this toolbar to align, centre, and change the order of items. |
Clipboard | Use this toolbar for working with the clipboard; such as cut, copy, paste, undo and redo. |
Formatting | Use this toolbar to apply text formatting, alignment, or styles. See Styles. |
Toolbox - Basic | Use this toolbar to access more commonly tools from the Toolbox menu; such as adding text, boxes, lines, images, and data fields. |
Toolbox - Advanced | Use this toolbar to access remaining tools from the Toolbox menu; such as adding barcodes, expressions, and subreports. |
Variable |
Use this toolbar to add variables to your report. Select a variable table and variable from the toolbar lists, then click Insert.
View | Use this toolbar to access view controls such as the zoom settings and rulers. |
Group and Lock | Use this toolbar to group or lock items in your report. |
The Status bar at the bottom of the screen displays:
the coordinates of your cursor on your report layout, Designer and
Preview mode icons, the report page number, and the zoom setting.