> Customers / Manage customer accounts / Correct customer account balance / Write off customer account

Write off customer account

To write off an account

Open: Sales Ledger > Sales Accounts > Write Off Account.

  1. Display the customer account you want to write off.
  2. Enter the Goods value you want to write off. The ledger automatically calculates the Tax value for you.
  3. Select the Nominal A/C you want to use to write off the tax element of the balance.
  4. If you are using cost centre breakdown for balance sheet postings, you only need to specify the account number reference for the tax write off account. The necessary cost centre and department codes are attached automatically from the account header record.

    Note: You can choose to cost centre breakdown in the Accounting System Manager System settings Operational settings tab.

    If you are not using cost centre breakdown for balance sheet postings, you must specify the full nominal account for tax write offs, including cost centre and department codes.

  5. Enter the Transaction Analysis code if needed.
  6. Note: You must have selected to Use additional transaction analysis in the Sales Ledger settings Options tab and in the Accounting System Manager.

  7. To set the account balance to zero, click Write Off.

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