Use Account Maintenance to archive your sales and purchase ledger transactions. You can run the Account Maintenance option at any time. The transactions are archived differently for each type of customer and supplier account.
Note: Open item accounts are only applicable in On Premise deployments.
Note: This option is only available for On Premise deployments.
With this option, transactions that are fully allocated, and that have exceeded the number of months specified to keep transactions for are archived or removed when the relevant Account Maintenance option is run.
For example: You have chosen to keep your transactions for 3 months for all of your Accounts. You enter the Archive up to date as 30 November. All allocated transactions dated prior to 01 September are archived or deleted.
All outstanding transactions are kept, regardless of their age. Outstanding transactions are:
With Balance Forward accounts, individual transactions are removed and replaced with a bought forward balance for each accounting period. The bought forward balance is created, when the relevant Account Maintenance option is run.
Each period's total balance is carried forward as a single balance figure and so the number of balances carried forward depends on the number of accounting periods that you have.
When transactions such as payments are posted for a previous period, they are allocated by period number, so the appropriate balance is amended. Queried transactions are kept on the account.
The advantage of this type of accounting is its economical use of disk space.
Note: Balance forward accounts cannot be used for foreign currency accounts.
With Automatic Allocation accounts any credit notes, payments or receipts are allocated to invoices when the relevant Account Maintenance option is run. The oldest outstanding invoices are allocated first. Queried invoices are not allocated.
Any debits or credits that are not allocated are carried over into the new period. If the transaction values do match exactly, the transactions are part-allocated.
Transactions that are fully allocated, and that have exceeded the number of months specified to keep transactions for can be archived or removed.
Note: The first time this option is run, no details are displayed. Once an option has been run, the date that the option was last run is displayed.
Open: Sales Ledger > Period End Routines > Account Maintenance or
Open: Purchase Ledger > Period End Routines > Account Maintenance
Select from the following options:
Other tasks
Delete archived transactions (Sales Ledger)
Payment details (sales account)