Viewing stock projection - product details

Note: The date and time MRPMaterials Requirements Planning (MRP). MRP recommends purchase orders, transfers and work orders to balance supply and demand. was last run indicates how recent the information is.

Open: Planning > MRP > Enquiries > Stock Projection > Item Details.

  1. Select the Product Code.
  2. If you are using multiple locations, select the Warehouse of the item.
  3. Click Go.
  4. The details are displayed in a list and as a graph.

  5. Access these views by selecting the List or Graph tabs.
  6. Note: To view the MRP Recommendation Details for an item, select and double-click an item in the list.

  7. To view the stock item details, click View Stock Item.
  8. To close the Stock Projection Item Details window, click Close.

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