> Project Accounting / Project workspaces and enquiries

Project workspaces and enquiries

Use the project enquiries and workspaces to investigate and find information about your projects. You can see details about your budgets, costs, revenue and project transactions.

Note: The enquiries and reports calculate period budgets differently, depending on how you have entered your budgets in your project hierarchy.

For the enquiries you can use the criteria options to filter the information displayed in a project enquiry. The criteria displayed will depend on the enquiry you are using.

You can amend workspaces to display data to suit your business processes or current task. You can use the filter options and column selector to choose the data that is displayed.

You can use the Workspace Designer to change the content or to create your own workspaces. You can add or remove content and change the available actions, the reports, the columns and how they are displayed, the default filters used for the toolbar filter and so on.

In the desktop application, workspaces can be opened from the menu or from the drop-down list.

In the web browser, workspaces are opened from the drop-down list.

To open from the drop-down list, click the arrow next to the workspace title to open another workspace .

You cannot display archived projects on the project enquiries. To view the details of an archived project you can either use the archived projects reports, archived projects enquiry, or archived projects workspace.

The following enquiries and workspaces are available in Project Accounting:





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