> Project Accounting / Billing / Create manual bills

Create manual bills

Open: Project Accounting > Billing > Enter New Bill.

  1. Select the customer by choosing their account reference number, short name or postcode in the Account selection area.
  2. If you have a customer reference for the bill, enter it in the Customer ref box.
  3. To add a line or a comment to the bill, click Add.

    The Details tab displays the billing totals and project analysis details.

  4. Enter a description for the bill line.

    If the bill line is a comment, tick Comment line only and enter the comment in the Item line Description box.

    If you do not want to display the comment on the customer's bill, clear the Show on customer documents setting.

  1. Enter the values for the bill line.

    You can enter these details in the Bill line totals or select the costs to bill from the Selected Costs tab:

  2. Select the Revenue item for the bill revenues.

    If the revenue item is associated with a nominal account, its nominal code is displayed. This is the nominal account that the revenue transaction for this line will be posted to. You can amend the Revenue account, if required.

  3. A number of totals for the bill are updated when you add bill lines.
    1. The Subtotals section displays the Goods total for the net value of the line(s) on the bill, before applying the bill discount displayed as the Bill discount value.
    2. The Totals section displays the Net total of the bill after applying discounts, the Tax value, and the Gross value (the sum of the net and tax values).

    Note: If the customer does not use the base currency, the Rate displays the exchange rate that will be used when converting values from the core currency to the customer's currency.

  4. When you have completed entering all the bill details, click Save.

The bill number appears, and the bill is saved with a Draft status.

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