> Nominal Ledger / Manage transactions / Journal entries / Journal templates

Journal templates

To use journal templates

Open: Nominal Ledger >Enter Transactions > Journal Templates.

  1. Prepare the journal template.
  2. The Edit Journal Template window appears.
  3. Specify the journal Name. You must enter a unique name for each journal template.
  4. Specify Template type as Accounts Only, Percentages or Value.
  5. Specify the journal restrictions.
  6. To add a line to the journal, click in the Template contents and journal line is added. For each transaction enter the nominal account (A/c No., cost centre (CC), department, account type, narrative, transaction analysis code (if used), and the value or percentage details. You can leave the debit and credit values blank.
  7. To amend any details, click on the item to amend and make the required changes.
  8. To delete a line, select an item for deletion from the list displayed and click Delete.
  9. To clear all the lines in the journal, click Clear.
  10. To confirm the journal template is completed, click OK.

Note: You may complete a template journal that does not balance; although if you wanted to post it later, you will have to make it balance. If you have a long list of postings, the totals at the top of the window make it easy to see if you have a matching set.

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