The routine checks that the balance on each account agrees with the total transactions applied to each account, and also that the total values on all accounts agree with the total central value stored for each ledger. It also verifies transactional information to ensure that correct transaction types are held and that there are no invalid period numbers or tax numbers.
You can run the routine choosing to validate and report anomalies only. You could do this first to establish whether there are problems on the ledger. If there are no problems, the message will report OK for all accounts; if there are problems a relevant message will be reported alongside the entry description.
If you want to check only one customer or supplier account rather than the whole ledger, you can do this by selecting a single account in the Sales Ledger or Purchase Ledger. The routine can reset the current balance on an account to the correct value in the event of the system reporting an error on the account. You may want to do this if, e.g. you have experienced a computer failure when entering transactions for a particular account. This routine does not revalue the account and it does not produce a report.
Note: The option to balance a single account is not available to Nominal Ledger and Cash Book.
If you find discrepancies on a customer or supplier account, you should continue to run the Balance Ledgers routine for the Sales Ledger or Purchase Ledger as a whole to check the integrity of the data.
Note: If running Balance Ledgers for one ledger shows discrepancies then you should run the routine for all the other ledgers to check their integrity.
The routine checks that the total values on all bank accounts agree with the total central value stored for the ledger. It verifies transactional information for standing orders and direct debits to ensure that transaction types are valid. If there are any Cash Book balance discrepancies these are amended and reported.
The routine checks that all transactions on each account agree with the account balance. It checks that the total month to date and year to date values balance for all accounts and that the values on all accounts agree with the central value stored for the ledger. It also checks that previous years balance figures for all accounts balance. Any Nominal Ledger imbalances are posted to the suspense account.
If the report does inform you of any discrepancies, you should inform your Business Partner (or the organisation which provides your technical support) who can then advise you of the best method of resolving the problem. This will normally be either to run the routine again choosing to correct any discrepancies or to restore from a clean backup.
The number of accounts stored on the ledger.
The number of accounts stored on the ledger is counted and the figure compared with the central record figure for the number of accounts. If the number does not agree, the central record figure is adjusted.
Each account has been validated.
The following entries on each account are checked: transaction type, period number, tax period, total value on the account, and the total value on all accounts equals the central value for the ledger.
If errors have occurred, a message is printed on the report relevant to the problem. If there are no discrepancies the message prints ok.
Note: If transactions are removed from a ledger as part of the necessary adjustment process, they may need to be posted again. You may need to refer to a previous backup or hard copy of your accounts to establish which entries have been removed. Please contact the organisation which provides your technical support to establish the best method of posting such entries again, and resolving the situation.
Note: Before starting this activity ensure there are no other users operating the Sage 200 system and take a backup of your data files.
Open: Accounting System Manager > System Utilities > Balance Ledgers > Financials.
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