> Financials / Financial Reports / The Budget Report

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The Budget Report

A good way to check how your company is performing is to run the Budget Report. This shows your nominal budget values against the actual values, and the difference, or variance, between the two. In addition, each category heading is also calculated as a percentage of the total sales figure, as a ratio.

Values are grouped into sales, purchases, direct expenses and overhead account codes based on your Chart of Accounts, for both the month you specify, and the year-to-date. This means you can quickly see which areas are doing well against company budgets and which areas aren't.

To run the Budget Report

  1. Company > Links pane > Financials > Variances.

    Note: The Variances button only appears on the Financials window toolbar if you have set your Budgeting preferences to Standard on the Budgeting tab in Settings > Company Preferences.

  2. Select the required output as follows:


    Sends the report to your printer.


    Use this to view the report on-screen.

    Tip: From the report preview you can then run the report to printer, file or email.


    Saves the report to file, for example, to print at a later date.


    Sends the report by email.

  3. To generate the report, click Run > enter any required criteria > OK.

    View criteriaOpen this section

  4. If there are any errors in your Chart of Accounts a warning message appears > to continue and produce the report > OK.

Note: If your software detects errors in your Chart of Accounts, your financial reports may be inaccurate. You should check your Chart of Accounts and correct any errors as soon as possible.

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