Year end FAQ

Can I process into my new financial year before running the Year End option?Open this section

Yes, you can post any transaction types into your new financial year before you run the Year End. This means you can keep up to date with current invoices while you are still finalising your year end accounts.

When you post a transaction into your new financial year, the following Warning message appears:

'This date falls outside the current financial year. OK'.

This message is for information purposes only. If you have specified the correct date, to post the transaction, click OK. To stop this message appearing each time you enter a transaction in the next financial year, select Pause this message for financial year and then click OK.

I have run my year end twice. How can I reverse this?Open this section

If you have run the Year End option twice, you must restore the backup that you took prior to running the Year End option then run it again.

How do I access my archive data?Open this section

  1. File > Open > Company Archive.
  2. Select the Archive Data you want to view > Open.

How do I post year end adjustments?Open this section

  1. Modules > Nominal Ledger > Journals.
  2. Enter a date and reference for the transaction then enter the relevant details to record the year end adjustments.

Note: The date entered should be the last day of the previous financial year.

  1. Save > when prompted to continue > Yes > Close.

What happens if I don't run the Year End option?Open this section

If you don't run the Year End option the following information does not get updated in your Accounts software:

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