> Customers_and_Suppliers / Suppliers / Record / To enter your supplier credit control details

Supplier record - Credit control

You can use this tab to record any credit terms you have agreed with your supplier. Settings entered here help you to keep a close eye on your terms with your suppliers.

To open the Credit Control tab > Suppliers window > double-click the record you want to work with > Credit Control tab.

Details Defaults Credit Control Purchases Orders Graphs Activity Bank Communications Memo

TermsOpen this section

RestrictionsOpen this section

Can Charge Credit

Select this check box if your supplier charges you interest for late payments.

Terms Agreed

If you have agreed credit terms with this supplier, select this check box.

If you don't check this, warnings indicating that credit terms have not been agreed are displayed when working with this supplier account.

Restrict Mailing

You may want to exclude certain suppliers from mailings.

To exclude this supplier when generating reports and letters, select this check box.

Account on Hold

Indicates whether the account is on hold or not.

To change the on hold status, use the Account Status drop-down list.

Credit ReviewOpen this section -

A/C Opened

The date you opened the supplier account. This information can help to evaluate how long the supplier has been trading with you.

Last Credit Review

Enter the date you last reviewed your credit position with this supplier. This information is not used in any process in your software - it is simply information you can use in your reports.

Next Credit Review

The date your credit terms with the supplier are due for review.

When you enter the date for the next credit review, you can also choose to add a reminder in the Credit Control Diary.

Application Date

Enter the date on which you applied for credit. This information is not used in any process in your software - it is simply information you can use in your reports.

Date Received

Enter the date you received the credit agreement. This information is not used in any process in your software - it is simply information you can use in your reports.


Use this memo section to add notes relating to all credit matters for this supplier.

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