> Customers_and_Suppliers / Customers / Record / To set up customer defaults

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Customer record - defaults

You can set up defaults for each customer, this information is picked up automatically as you process transactions, saving you time when entering information.

Find out more about how to enter information in:

Details Defaults Credit Control Sales Orders Projects Graphs Activity Bank Communications Memo

Custom FieldsOpen this section

Analysis 1,2,3

Used to record information of interest about your customer, which you can then analyse using the search to query information or when generating reports. Perhaps you want to analyse geographical information such as region, or the sales representative that deals with the customer.

The displayed labels (Analysis 1, 2 and 3) are set up in the Configuration Editor and can be amended to suit your needs.

Enter up to thirty characters into each box.

Pricing and DiscountingOpen this section

Discount %

The discount you want to award this customer every time they order goods or services from you. When you record a sale for this customer the discount appears on the invoice/sales order - at which point it can be adjusted.

Enter the percentage discount you want to give this customer.

Additional Discount

(Account Plus and Accounts Professional only)

The discount you want to give a customer based on either the value of the sale or the quantity of goods sold.

When you record a sale for this customer, and the level set is met, the discount is applied to the invoice/sales order at which point it can be adjusted.

To award an additional discount, select the type you want to apply using the drop-down list.

  • No Additional: do not apply extra discount.
  • Invoice Value: to apply discount based on the value of the invoice raised.

    The discount applied is calculated from the discount table set up in the Customer Defaults.

  • Discount A - E: to apply discount based on the quantity of goods sold. These tables are set up in the Discount tab of each product record. If you have renamed your Quantity tabs, the names that you have entered appear in this list.

Price List

(Account Plus and Accounts Professional only)

If you use price lists, to offer different prices to different groups of customers, select the price list you want this customer to be associated with from the drop-down list.

Some businesses use a retail price list when dealing with the general public and a trade price list when trading with other businesses.

Miscellaneous DefaultsOpen this section

Default Nominal Code

This is the nominal account you expect to use most often to post the net value of any sales transactions when dealing with the customer.

When you record an invoice or sales order the nominal code is displayed for use, although it can change at that point. The code is also displayed when you record a credit note for the customer.

Select the nominal code you want to use for net sales from the drop-down list.

The code suggested for use when creating a customer record is based on your Customer Defaults.

Use Default Nominal Code for Sales

When recording a sales transaction that calls on a product record (new invoice, not batch invoice), the nominal account suggested for your net sales posting is taken from the default set on the product record. This is fine if you want to categorise your sales by the nominal codes on your products. For example, you may have a set of nominal codes to categorise sales for the different sized products - small, large and medium.

If you prefer to categorise your sales by customer, when you have a set of nominal codes for customers in different regions, select this check box.

Default Tax Code

The tax code and rate you expect to apply to sales transactions when dealing with this customer.

When you record an invoice or sales order, the tax code is used to calculate the amount of VAT due for each item bought. At that point the tax code can be changed.

Select the tax code from the drop-down list.

The code suggested for use when creating a customer record is based on your Customer Defaults.

Use Default Tax Code for Sales

When recording a sales transaction that calls on a product record (new invoice, not batch invoice) the tax code suggested for use is taken from the default set on the product record for each item sold.

Depending on the customer's tax situation, this may not be appropriate. For example, if the customer is based outside the UK or operating as a charity, where they are subject to different taxation rules.

If you want to use the tax code set in the previous box when recording a sales transaction for this customer, select this check box.


(Accounts Professional only)

The currency the account works in.

When you record an invoice or sales order the currency is used to calculate the amounts due based on the exchange rate.

Once transactions have been recorded on the customer's record, the currency can't be changed.

Use this drop-down list to select the currency the customer deals in.

The currencies in this list are set up using Settings > Currencies.

Note: If the Regional Settings (in the Microsoft® Control Panel) for your PC are set to English (Ireland), the default currency setting is set to euro.


The department you expect to associate with sales transactions when dealing with this customer.

Departments are useful when you want to monitor the performance of different areas of your business as the sales activities can then be viewed by department.

When you record invoices or sales orders for this customer the department is displayed for use, although it can be changed at that point.

Select the department you expect to use most often for this customer.

The department suggested for use when creating a customer record is based on your Customer Defaults.

Reporting Password

The password you want to use to protect PDF documents you generate and send to your customer. This will help prevent unauthorised people opening confidential information.

The secure PDF document is generated using Report Designer, which is supplied with your software.

To protect such documents enter the password you want to use - this can be between six and thirty one characters. Then set up security options for the document in Report Designer. See your Report Designer help for more information.

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