> Customers_and_Suppliers / Customers / Record / Customer record - communications

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Customer record - Communications

This tab shows a record of communications that have taken place between you and this customer. You can keep track of all communications in one handy location.

It is mainly designed for credit control purposes. It links the debt chasing activities with your diary to help with credit control management. It can however be used to record any communication with your customer.

To open this tab go to Customers > double-click the required record > Communications tab.

You can use the options in this tab to:

Find out more about how to enter information in:

Details Defaults Credit Control Sales Orders Projects Graphs Activity Bank Communications Memo

Read only informationOpen this section

Account Status

This is the status applied to the customer’s record set on the Credit Control tab. Find out more.

Tip: The status list is controlled from settings in your software which can be amended to suit your business, from Settings > Configuration Editor > Account Status tab.

Credit Position

This is the stage you have reached in the credit control process with this customer.

It is taken from the Credit Position setting on the Credit Control tab, which in turn can be updated to Good, Reminder, Legal or Warning.


This is the current balance on the account.

Credit Limit

This is the amount of credit this customer is allowed, as set on the record's Credit Control tab.


This is the amount of money the customer has failed to pay on time.

Promised Payments

The amount you are expecting as a result of a discussion with the customer that has been recorded as a communication.

Promised payments also appear in:

  • The table of communications on this window.
  • Your diary as a reminder to check payment has been received.
  • The Chase Debts window which shows a Y for yes in the Promised Payments column.

Communication detailsOpen this section


The date appears here, but you can change this if required.

Contact Type

The type of contact made, and can be either Telephone, Letter/Fax/Email, Meeting, and shows whether the communication was made, sent or received.


The name of the contact stored on the customer record appears here for you automatically.

If you speak to someone who is not your regular contact, you can change the name.


Enter the reason or purpose of the communication in here.

Use up to 30 characters.


The current balance of the supplier's account.


This is the outcome of the contact made or received. The contact outcome types include:

  • No Contact
  • Left Message
  • Contact Made
  • Call them back
  • They will call back
  • Send Reminder Letter.
  • Send Warning Letter.
  • Send Legal Letter.
  • Send Other Letter.
  • Send Letter.
  • Payment Promised
  • Dispute

Promised Payment

Record any promised payments agreed during the contact here.

Follow up

If any Follow Up date was recorded in the supplier Communications tab during the communication, it appears here in your date format.


Any notes made in the Notes area in the supplier Communications tab, during or after the communication, are presented here.

Our Contact

This is the name of the person who made the call. To change this, choose an alternative name from the drop-down list. The list of names available is based on the users set up in Settings > Access Rights.

To review Ask Sage, Business Advice and Health and Safety advice, go here. All contact details for Sage are available from here.

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