> Customers_and_Suppliers / Customers / Record / Customer record - bank

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Customer Record - Bank

This feature is important for processing refunds, all of the customer bank information is to hand without the need to contact the customer. You can use the bank tab to update customer bank details on their record. Most of this information is for reference only and is not used automatically when processing transactions.

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Bank DetailsOpen this section

Bank Name

Enter a bank name of up to 60 for bank name. This information is for reference purposes only.

Address lines

Eneter the customer's bank address, using up to 60 characters per line. This is for information and reporting purposes only.

Tip: The labels used for the address lines can be changed to suit. To do this, choose Settings > Company Preferences then click the Labels tab.

Account Name

Enter up to 60 characters for the name of the customer's bank.

Sort Code

Enter the customer's bank sort code.

Account Number

Enter the customer's bank account number.

Payment DetailsOpen this section


Enter BACS reference number, used to refund money to your customer.


If required, enter the Customer's International Bank Account Number (IBAN). This is a specific format of the bank account number that makes transactions between European countries easier by reducing errors and delays. This number is validated when you enter it in the record, it should be 34, alpha numeric characters broken down to:

  • Two letters for country code.
  • Two check digits.
  • Up to thirty, (30), alphanumeric characters for the bank number.

You can check if the format of the IBAN is correct at http://www.tbg5-finance.org/?ibancheck.shtml

You must use an IBAN when payments are made or received across country borders in the European Union (EU), European Economic Areas (EEA) and Switzerland.

An IBAN is always used in conjunction with a Bank Identifier Code (BIC).


If required, enter the BIC number or swift code for this Customer's bank account. The BIC or Swift Code, is a way of identifying financial organisations.

This number is validated when you enter it in the record it should be 11 alphanumeric characters broken down to:

  • Four letters for bank or institution code.
  • Two letters for country code.
  • Two letters for location code, broken down to:
    • If the second character is 0, it's usually a test BIC rather than a BIC on the live network.
    • If the second character is 1, it denotes a passive participant in the SWIFT network.
    • If the second character is 2, it's usually a reverse billing BIC, where the recipient pays for the message rather than the more usual mode where the sender pays for the message.
  • Three alphanumeric characters for the branch code, which is optional and can be replaced with the value XXX.
Roll Number

This is additional reference used by some building societies. Enter the roll number for this account.

Additional Ref

Enter any additional information you have about this customer's bank account.

Payment Method

From the drop-down list choose the preferred payment method agreed with this customerfor the follwoing

  • BACS
  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Credit Card
  • Direct Debit (DD)
  • Standing Order (SO)
  • Other

To add a payment method, click the payment method button > enter a description > OK.

It is not used in any process in your software - it is simply information you can then use in your reports.

Online Receipts

Select this check box to show that you receive payments from this customer electronically.

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