Company's Days Sales
This shows, on average,
how many days overdue your customer balances are at this point in time.
Sage Accounts takes the total of the overdue balances
for all customers and calculates how many days' worth
of sales this value represents.
If this value is very low, customers may either be very
good payers or their payment terms may be too generous.
If the value is significantly higher than your standard
payment terms, you may need to improve your debt collection processes.
Default Payment Terms
This displays your company’s default payment terms
in days. This is the number of days that you usually give your customers
to pay their invoices.
You should use this value as a guide when analysing
your Days Sales Overdue information.
The graph shows, for the whole company, the number of customers that have
overdue balances on their accounts, and which ageing periods the balances are in.
You can amend the appearance of the graph as