> Bank / Cash flow

Cash flow

Accounts Plus and Accounts Professional only

The Cash Flow option helps you to keep on top of liquidity, understand when you need to pay invoices and what impact this has. You can also plan payments to your suppliers, expected incomes, expected expenditure and variable payments, such as wages and utility bills. This makes it easier to see what you can pay, who to chase for money and how much cash you'll have after paying your invoices.

The Cash Flow option looks at the customer chase debt and supplier manage payments credit control details that you enter, when you set up each record, and creates a list of outstanding transactions.

Note: Cash Flow does not include settlement discounts.

To view the Cash Flow

  1. Bank > Cash Flow Forecast > from the Date range drop-down list, choose the required period.
    If you choose Custom you must enter dates in the From and Forecast up to boxes.
  2. The Cash Flow Forecast shows the following:
SummaryOpen this section

Book Balance for Bank Account(s)

The total balance for the selected bank accounts at this date.

Regular Payments

The total of all regular payments from recurring bank payments, recurring journal credits, and recurring purchase payments on account.

Forecast Payments

The total value of all forecast payments, such as purchase invoices and entries with a credit value.

Regular Receipts

The total value of all regular receipts for the selected bank accounts.

Forecast Receipts

The total value of all forecasted receipts, such as sales invoices, and entries with a debit value.

Forecast Book Balance for Period

The closing value for the bank accounts selected for inclusion in the cash flow. This calculates as:

Book balance for Bank Accounts + ((Regular Receipts + Forecast Receipts) - (Regular Payments + Forecast Payments))

Bank AccountsOpen this section


The account reference of the bank account.

Bank Name

The name of the bank account.


The current balance of the bank account.

Min Limit

Any minimum limit you have set up for the bank account.

Tip: You can assign a minimum limit to a bank account in the Bank Record.


Select this box if you want to include the bank account in the forecast.

Note: If you have set up any foreign currency bank accounts the values appear in the base currency.

Information that appears in the transaction listOpen this section

Type The type of transaction.


The date that the payment or receipt of the transaction is expected to be made. Sales invoices use the following calculation for this date:

Due date + average number of days that it usually takes the customer to pay.

All other transactions default to the due date.


The date that this transaction was due. You cannot change this date.

A/C Ref

The account reference from the customer, supplier or nominal record.


The details on the transaction.


The number of days difference between the current software date and the due date.


If the transaction is in dispute a 'd' shows.

Note: Any transaction that has been flagged as disputed is not included in the cash flow forecast but it appears in the list.

To include the disputed transaction, select the Include check box for the transaction.


To include the entry in the cash flow, select this check box.


The amount outstanding on the transaction if the transaction is a sales invoice, recurring bank receipt, recurring journal debit or recurring customer receipt on account.

Note: You can only change the amount in this column if the transaction is a manual entry.


The amount outstanding on the transaction if the transaction is a purchase invoice, recurring bank payment, recurring supplier payment on account or recurring journal credit.

Note: You can only change the amount in this column if the transaction is a manual entry.

Balance for Day

The running total of the forecast balance for each day. The last transaction for the day shows the total.

Note: By default, your cash flow sorts by the Forecast Date column. If it is sorted in a different order, nothing appears in this column.

This balance calculates as:
Opening Balance for the day + total Debit Amount for day - total Credit Amount for day

If this balance is less than zero, or below the minimum limit for the bank, the value appears in red.

To enter a manual entryOpen this section


Enter the date when you expect to actually receive or make the payment.

A/C Ref

Enter an account reference.


Enter a description.


To include the entry in the cash flow, select the check box.


Enter the amount of a sales invoice, bank receipt, journal debit or customer payment on account.


Enter the amount of a purchase invoice, bank payment, journal credit or supplier payment on account.

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